Season 5 Episode 3

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Season 5 Episode 3

Alright so episode three, any comments?

Well I have a lot!

#1. I hate Theo, why? because i do not trust his stupid lying werewolf a*s

#2. What the fuck was Tracy?! And how the hell did she cross the mountain ash?! 

#3. What's up with papa Stilinski going on a date with Lydia's mom?! That's just wrong?! It's supposed to be Papa Stilinski and Mama McCall!!!!!!!!!!!!

#4. That kid Donovan.............. I don't like him! He needs to die ASAP!!!!! And i swear to sweet baby Jesus if he hurts Papa Stilinski, I will mentally kill him because sadly i won't be able to do anything else :(

#5. Those doctors are creeping me the shit out like omfg duuuuuuuuuude get away from me step back before i go all nigitsune on your a*s and get the oni all up in yo face!!!!!

#6. No offense to those that like Lydia buuuuut I was clapping and laughing my a*s off when she got hurt, Sorry to those who like Lydia but yeah i don't like her don't ask why i just don't


#8. I still don't like Theo, i just don't trust that guy especially with what he did to that guy on the last episode!!! Freaking hammering his hand with a hammer!!! That's a crazy nigga right there!!!!!!!!!!! AND I HATE THAT HE'S SO HOT AND SEXY LIKE WHAT THE HELL DUUUUDE!!!!! WHY CAN'T YOU BE UGLY?!?!?!?!

#9. What were your thoughts when that tails popped out of Tracy? Mine was.......*cue drum roll*........ WHAT THE FXCK!!!!!! I honestly have no idea what the hell she was like the hell?! Are you a werewolf? Are you a kanima? What are you girl?!?!?! Or should i say were because it looked like the doctors killed the poor being

#10. The 'Teen Wolf Inner Circle' how bout that eh? Lol, I love how Liam's friend acted throughout that episode it was funny and intense hehe see what i did there xD

#11. So the desert wolf eh? Pretty cool what she did am i right? At first I was like oh well look both of Malias parents are insane how wonderful but then i was like oh never mind since Braden said those people were bad so yeah we'll see since we all know what happened when Malia found her mother, she looked pretty terrified

#12. I want Derek!!!!! He needs to get his werewolf a*s on the show just saying

#13. Someone needs to kill Theo...... i volunteer as tribute!!!!!!

#14. What in the world are those doctors up to?!?!?!?!?!?! What the hell man!!!! I can't even!!!!!!!!!!

Am I done? Yeah i think so 

If you have any thoughts just comment! 

Can't wait for the next episode btw!!!


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