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Riku needs to stay in the dorm for a few days until his asthma gets better. Yuito can't stay with Riku again today because he has to finish his project for school. Riku is still sleeping.

"I can't stay with Riku today because I have to guide another school's presentation." Yuito said.

"The doctor said he couldn't be left alone. It will make him think about his past again. I can't stay with him either because I need to finish my report today at another school too." Yamato said.

"Today, no one will be in the dorm around this until dinner..."Yuito said. Both of them are trying to think of other ways to stay with Riku. "Then I will have to take an absence for today, and I will inform the teacher that I will take a leave today and cover it by another day." Yuito said

"Or you can ask one of your classmates to check in on Riku throughout the day," Yamato suggested. "That way, we can both fulfill our responsibilities and make sure Riku is not alone."

"But you know that Riku is not familiar with others. I mean, even our class too. He can't suit himself here yet." Yuito said.

"I forgot about that."

Suddenly, their door got knocked. Yuito opened the door, and it was Tenn, the student council.

"Sorry for the sudden visit. I came here because I heard that Riku had to stay in the dorm. I just want to give this," Tenn said while bringing the food.

"Ermm, I mean, Tenn, are you free today?" Yuito asked directly, while Yamato was shocked by Yuito's sudden talk with the most scary student council.

"I don't have anything today. Why are you asking that?" Tenn ask.

"Actually,..." Yuito explains everything to Tenn from what Yamato told Yuito about Riku's condition. Tenn listened attentively, nodding in understanding. "I see. Well, I can help you with that," Tenn said with a smile, offering to accompany Riku.

"Really?! I will go to principle to report on this. I will let the teacher know too." Yuito said.

"Okay, I will take note of that. Is he still sleeping?" Tenn ask.

"He is still sleeping. Maybe he will get an asthma attack when he wakes up because his body is still weak after getting some medicine." Yuito said.

"I see. Then I will let you know if anything happens." Tenn said.


"I am sorry, Riku. Remember this? Your parents didn't hate you. They always love you more than anything else. Please believe that."

"But why can't I meet mom and dad? Granny sure that they still love me?"

"Riku, don't say that. They are just too busy to do their things. One day, they will take you back, okay?"

Riku Pov

I heard an unfamiliar voice. It's not Yuito's or anyone's voice. It's...

"Are you okay?".

I tried to open my eyes and fix my vision, but it was still blurry.

"Riku-chan? Are you feeling cold again?"

Granny? It's really Granny?

"Poor my child. Here, sit here. I will feed you."


"Hey? Why are you crying? Are you really okay? Here water." Riku was looking at Tenn with blank eyes. Tenn helped Riku drink and give the tissue.

"Thank you. W-why are you here? I thought they-"

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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