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My body started to tremble along with my breathing. I slowly crept back to the edge of the hole to see if my eyes weren't fooling me. Nope, they aren't. That is definitely a human hand hanging out of the soil in the hole. I got down on my stomach to get a closer view. I gasped when I saw it twitch.

Now, either Marissa is crazy and murdered this person or I am crazy and I'm having allusions. Either way, someone is crazy.

I could feel my hammering heart beat through the ground I was laying on. "Um, hello?", that was probably not the best thing to say at a time like this, but I did. The hand started clasping at the air in response of my voice.

"Oh my gosh!", I exclaimed. It is still alive!

I grabbed hold of the root Alicia grabbed and tried to climb down... Really awkwardly. I lost my footing and stumbled to the floor of the hole. "Gah," my stomach slammed against my back at the impact of the fall.

The hand squirmed wildly at that noise.

I got up as fast as I fell and dug through the soil that was smothering this person.

The person jumped out of the remaining soil and landed on top of me. I couldn't really see its face, because it had my face pinned to the side and its bony knees held my shoulders down. By the way, that position is very, very, very painful!

"Croniment! Croniment!" It breathed in my face.

"How about a Tic Tac?", I grumbled in its hands.

Then, it growled in my ear. I cringed at the feeling of heat and saliva descending in my ear.

I pushed the creature off of me and without even looking back at it, I climbed back up the hole. It got a hold of my foot and dragged me back down. "Help!", I screamed. But, then everything went black right when the creature growled once more.


I woke up to my left temple throbbing with pain. My left eye was watering from the pressure. When my eyes finally focused around my surroundings, I noticed I was on Marissa's bed.

My temple released a sharp sting and I tried to bring my hand up to it, but I realized it was handcuffed to the bed post.

"Um... This can not be good," I said to myself as I yanked at the cuffs.

"Oh, look she is awake," I heard Marissa whisper somewhere.

"She is?! Yes, finally! Brooklyn! Hey, Brooklyn, down here!", Alicia whispered quite loudly.

I looked below and saw that they were sitting in the corner of the room on the floor with there hands tied behind their backs. "What is going on?", Marissa asked frantically.

"I'm not quite sure at the moment. Where are your parents?" I mumbled unintelligently.

"They went to the store about thirty minutes ago."

Alicia was about to say something but she was interrupted by foot steps stomping up the stairs. We could tell the foot steps were coming toward us.

I held my breathe for what felt like forever until the footsteps ceased behind the closed door. We all three had the same expression on our face: anxiety. When the door sprang open, we saw Christy with a metal bat in her hands. We all let out a sigh of relief.

Christy is another one of our best friends, she lives right behind Marissa along with Jenna. Christy is tall and very skinny! She has long brown hair that curves around her perfect face. She is the most genuine person I know.

"Oh my gosh," Christy said with her hand over her chest,"what happened to you guys?"

"We're not quite sure," Alicia said.

"It's a long story. Can u help us out of these cuffs, please," Marissa sighed.

When Christy helped us all out, Marissa started explaining what happened.

Apparently, when Marissa was helping Alicia with her scratch, they ran to my need when I yelled for help. They couldn't see me anywhere, so they checked in the huge ditch. They saw that I wasn't in there. When they were turning around, they immediately got shoved into the hole. They realized they were restrained when they awoke.

Christy looked at Marissa and Alicia like they had three heads. "Don't look at me like that," Alicia whined. "Brooklyn, do you remember anything that happened?", Christy asked.

I don't know why I had to think about the answer to that question, but I sure took a long pause before answering. Before I had the chance to speak my mind, the doorbell rang... Of course. We all stood up in unison.

Humph, what happened to my typical life?

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