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The midterms were finally over, leaving behind a trail of relieved and tired students as late October settled over the campus. The crisp autumn air carried a sense of freedom as students streamed out of lecture halls, eager to unwind after weeks of intense studying.

Among them, Jinhee felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she packed her books into her bag, looking forward to a break from the academic grind. The promise of a weekend loomed ahead, beckoning with the prospect of relaxation and perhaps a bit of excitement.

Minji, being a spirited friend that everyone should have, decided to throw a small party at her place to relieve the tension that had accumulated during the exam period and celebrate its end. She lives in a dorm, but she's actually from Seoul. She comes from a wealthy family and her house is really spacious , perfect for such meetings.

As dusk settled over the city, Jinhee decided to make an extra effort with her appearance. Minji, always the supportive friend, insisted she borrow one of her dresses, urging Jinhee to come "as stunning as possible" to the party. Grateful for Minji's gesture, Jinhee carefully chose accessories to complement the outfit and styled her hair with a touch of elegance. Feeling confident and ready for the evening ahead, Jinhee made her way to Minji's house. 

As Jinhee stepped into the house, she felt a surge of excitement. The space was filled with familiar faces, but also some new ones, as Minji had encouraged everyone to bring friends. The atmosphere was lively, with music blasting from the speakers, people sharing conversations, and others eating and drinking.

Minji spotted Jinhee and rushed over, her face lighting up with a wide grin. "Jinhee! You look amazing," she exclaimed, giving her a quick hug. "Come on, let me introduce you to some people."

Jinhee felt a bit nervous but appreciated Minji's enthusiasm. She followed her friend through the room, exchanging polite smiles and brief greetings with those she met. They soon joined a group of friends sitting on sofas in one corner of the room.

A little while later, the doorbell rang, and Minji hurried to open it. Junkyu and Jihoon stepped inside, greeted by a chorus of welcomes. Junkyu's eyes lit up when he saw Jinhee and Minji, and he made his way over to them together with Jihoon. 

"Hey, Minji! Jinhee! Glad to see you," Junkyu said, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Sorry we're a bit late. Had to wrap up some stuff."

Minji waved off his apology with a smile. "No worries. The party's just getting started."

Jihoon nodded in greeting, his expression as cool and unreadable as ever. "Hey," he said simply.

As the night went on, laughter and chatter filled the rooms. People played games, danced, and shared stories. Jinhee found herself relaxing even more, enjoying the company and the lively ambiance.

Amidst the festivities, Jinhee noticed Junkyu and Minji gravitating towards each other, their interactions filled with a newfound closeness. It was clear to anyone watching that they had grown quite fond of each other.

Jinhee, on the other hand, found herself sharing glances with Jihoon across the room. Since the exams, their interactions had been minimal, confined mostly to brief nods and polite exchanges in the music room. Jihoon had returned to being distant and somewhat rude, almost as if they were back to square one. The warmth he had shown during their study sessions had seemingly disappeared, replaced by a cool indifference. But Jinhee, also, couldn't care less about it. If that's what he wanted, then so be it.


As the party continued, a guy named Sunwoo suggested a game of truth or dare. The idea was met with enthusiastic approval, and soon a circle had formed in the living room. The game began, with people taking turns asking questions and performing dares, laughter erupting with each embarrassing or revealing moment.

"Truth or dare?" someone asked Minji, who chose "truth" and revealed her most embarrassing childhood memory, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Next, Junkyu was dared to sing a random song, which he performed with theatrical flair, earning applause and cheers.

As the game continued, Jihoon was repeatedly asked questions that prompted him to choose "truth." He answered them all without hesitation, maintaining his calm demeanor.

When it was Junkyu's turn to ask Jihoon, Jihoon once again chose "truth."

Sunwoo, sitting beside them, couldn't contain himself. "You always choose truth, Jihoon. Don't be a coward! Pick dare for once."

The room echoed with agreement, adding pressure. Jihoon looked around, gauging the group's anticipation. With a slight nod, he rolled his eyes and agreed, "Fine, dare."

Junkyu grinned mischievously, as if he and Minji had already planned this out. "I dare you to take Jinhee as your date to the upcoming university autumn ball."

The room fell silent, all eyes turning to Jihoon and Jinhee. Jinhee felt a mix of shock and indignation rising within her.

"Why am I involved in this? He's the one getting the dare!" she protested.

Jihoon, however, maintained his composure. He looked at Jinhee, then back at Junkyu. "Alright," he said simply, his tone unwavering. "I'll take Jinhee to the ball."

Jinhee's eyes widened, and a flush crept up her cheeks. The room buzzed with excitement, whispers, and exchanged glances.

Jinhee quickly interjected, "I'm not going."

Minji seized the moment, smiling mischievously. "Remember when you said you'd do anything I asked because I went to classes for you and took all the notes while you were sick?"

Jinhee's expression shifted to one of exasperation as she exclaimed, "Minji! That was different!"

Minji shrugged, her eyes twinkling with guile. "Your words, Jinhee. You owe me one."

Jinhee sighed, realizing she was cornered. After a brief pause, she relented, "Fine."

"Great," Junkyu said, looking pleased with himself. "That's settled then."

Jinhee crossed her arms, still feeling a bit flustered. "You guys are impossible."

Jihoon glanced at her, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "I guess we're going to the ball together," he said, just loud enough for her to hear. Jinhee just ignored him.

The game continued, but Jinhee's thoughts kept returning to the unexpected dare. As the evening progressed, she felt a blend of curiosity and unease about what this new situation might bring. The reality of going to the ball with Jihoon began to sink in, leaving her both intrigued and uncertain.

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