A New Misery

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"Good morning, kids.", roselle Kim was the last one to join at the breakfast table.

The entire Kim family gathered for the breakfast after a long time.

Mr. Kim though seemed upset with her apparently optimistic greeting.

"Kids? They're not kids anymore! So stop treating them like one!"

Jin stayed stoic, eating his food despite his father's spiteful comment. Taehyung on the other hand scoffed.

"We're always not his kids anymore, the moment we can't bring him any benefits. Selfish much?"

"You dare talk to your father like that?!", Mr. Kim furiously stood up from his place.

"Honey calm down.", roselle immediately placed a hand on her husband's shoulder making Taehyung leave his fork in annoyance, making it drop over the ceramic plate with a loud clinking sound.

"I. Won't. Marry. That. Sana.", he declared.

"I will disown you!", his father warned.

But Taehyung didn't bother giving a thought to his father's threat. It all seemed to be a daily routine to him.

Inhaling a sharp breath, he got up from his place and a servant immediately rushed to hand him his coat.

"Suit yourself."

His father boiled in anger watching how he nonchalantly left.

"This brat...."

"It's fine father. I'll talk to him. He'll take Sana out.", jin got up from his place, reassuring his father.

Mr Kim knew jin will do how he said. He just wished Taehyung was just as obedient.

"Feed him some senses Jin. Or I might end up actually disowning him one day."

Roselle held her head in worry. She wished they could've had this one breakfast in peace together as a family.

Jin sighed.

"I will."


Y/n reached to work earlier than usual today. Her entire night went in thinking about the message she received last night.

She knew it must be the one behind Ana's abduction, trying to scare her away.

But right now she wanted to decide what was the best measure to be taken in this condition.

Tell officer Byeon everything and let him trace the number? But the kidnapper wouldn't be as stupid to use a traceable number right? And what if that person got to know about her contacting the police and harmed ana for revenge....

She doesn't even want to imagine that.

Maybe she should use her own means to try and trace the number.

Changing into her work attire, she entered the kitchen finding only Jungkook standing near a stove.

He turned back and his eyes immediately met hers.

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