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"So am i going to get the karate pajamas too?"


Miguel stood in from of Johnny, the two males being in the dojo Johnny just recently bought.

The night before, the Lawrence man stopped at the store after getting fired from his job. Miguel also happened to be there buying medicine for his grandmother.

Johnny had no intentions of interacting with the boy, fully
planning to eat his stale pizza and go home to break the news to August that he had gotten fired. Instead, he ended up breaking up a fight between Miguel and bunch of high school kids that were picking on him.

Unfortunately, Johnny didn't realize that he couldn't put his hands on teenagers that looked like grown men without facing the consequences and ended up spending the night in jail.

Luckily, his mother's ex husband, Sid, bailed him out and offered him a large sum of money to keep him and August afloat until Johnny found a new job, knowing they couldn't live off of the saved money August's mother kept for him after she died. And after all of this, August still wasn't aware of anything that happened over the course of a few hours.

Miguel had the bright idea to mention to Johnny that he should open up a karate dojo. Johnny fell for it but knew he didn't have the money to afford that as he had ripped up Sid's check and tossed it in the trash.

That left him with one last resort.

August would blow a fuse if he knew his dad threatened to sell his truck just to buy a karate dojo he wasn't even invited to.

"The student only speaks when spoke to. Is that understood?"

"Uh, yes." Miguel stuttered at the look on the older man's face, "Yes, sir?"

"You will always address me as 'sensei', is that understood?"

The Diaz nodded, "Yes, sensei."

"These are pajamas. This is a gi. And you'll get one when you've earned it."

"Does August have one?" Miguel couldn't help but ask.

Johnny stared blankly.


"All right, are you ready to begin your training?"

Now more confident, Miguel straightened his back, "Yes, sensei."

The movement was so quick that Miguel wasn't even given the chance to defend himself before Johnny flipped him on his back.

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