I'm just going to say it

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I'm sorry to say for those who are or have been expecting an update on this story, i'm sorry to disappoint you guys but there won't be any updates not now or in the future.

I am officially discontinuing this story, it's up for adoption for whoever wants it, change it as however you want. Basically it's up for grabs.

With Miraculous season 6 in the works and no longer being interested in the trollhunters trilogy, plus writers block since I don't know when due to losing track with irl most of the time and doing other things. (I know this might not be the best explanation but hey at least it's a explanation).

Whoever has stayed up to know waiting since this story has been published, thanks for sticking through even if it didn't end up the way you guys wanted which would be continued not discontinued.

The miraculous amulet (UP FOR ADOPTION)Where stories live. Discover now