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Note before reading : THIS BOOK NOT FOR CHILD (don't test me :) ) This story contains mature themes and language. I'm not holding back anymore with my writing and I'm letting all the ideas go free. This book is basically a test for myself.
Also check out Brought Together by Music if you haven't already! This is a spin off/alternate version of the book and the main story. Anywho, let's begin.

"God Firey. I love this life we're building together. I'm so happy to be able to call you my husband now."
We laid together on our bed, staring up at the glow in the dark stars we had just placed up hours before. They all glowed in different colors. I was resting my head on Firey's chest, slowly feeling myself drift off.
"Me too Leafy I love all this...but.." he sighed.
"But what? Are you not happy like this?"
"I am...but you're leaving soon and I'm sad over that. I don't want you to go. I'm not ready. But I know it's time. Your time is up here and I've served my purpose in helping you stay happy."
"Go? Go where? I wouldn't ever leave you. You know that. We're thriving Firey."
"Back to the real world. I shouldn't be saying this... But this is all a dream. You've been asleep for months now. None of this is real."
I could suddenly hear beeping noises and faint voices.
"Firey..what's going on? I don't want to leave you! Am I..dying?"
"You're not dying. You're just waking up."
"I don't want to wake up then! Please!"
Firey stayed silent.
"Did you see that? She moved a bit! There it is again! She's opening her eyes! Call Nurse Flame back in here! Call anybody!"
"Firey?? Answer me!"
"I'm sorry leafy..."
He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"I love you."


- Leafy's POV -

I felt a sharp pain on my sides as my body shot forward and I gasped for air. While I let my vision clear, I realized I was surrounded by doctors, nurses, and..
"Mom? Dad? Where am I?" I asked, clutching my hospital gown. They're here? They're alive??? Am I really awake?
"You're in the hospital my baby.." my mother said, her hands shook as she grabbed my father's arm. I felt my eyes well up with tears, but quickly shook them off. "I thank the stars you're actually alive. We didn't think you were ever going to wake up."
"My Sweet Leaf, do you remember anything that happened?" He asked me, watching as the doctors and nurses started taking my vitals and pulling tubes and needles out of my body.
"It's better we don't ask those types of questions right now. It can get her confused." A nurse said, walking into the room. "I got this Doctor. Leafy is my patient. Please leave me and the patients family." The main doctor nodded and ushered the rest of the team out the door. "Nurse Flame, will our daughter be ok? And what do you mean don't ask her questions?" The nurse nodded confidently. "Of course. She's a fighter. You've been making excellent progress." She said, looking at me. "The reason why we choose to not ask a lot of questions to the patient right away is because she might have been living an entirely different reality in her head while she was asleep. Now that you're awake, we can get started soon with physical therapy and get you accustomed with the real world again."
"How long have I been out?"
The nurses eyes widened. And her hands rubbed one another.
"About 8 months." She said, looking off to the side. "8...8 months??" "Look at the bright side honey," my mom began, glancing at my father, "you had high enough grades that everything you missed barely made a dent. So you're not behind." "And speaking of school..a boy with brown and orange hair has been coming here every day from your music class to see you sweet leaf." My dad chimed in. "He's also one of Nurse Flame's sons."
"A...boy?" Just as I said that, the door creaked open, and there he was. "Leafy! You're finally awake!" He exclaimed, walking towards me. "I've been worried sick about you. When they called me and said you might wake up today, I sped over here."
"Firey? Is that really you? You look so different..." I asked, hands reaching out for him. "It's me! Your music buddy! I know you could never forget this goofball of a guy! Will she be able to come with us to training when she gets out mom? It starts next week." The nurse shook her head. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but I wouldn't advise it. She's going to be in therapy for a while. And there's a lot of treatments we're going to have to do until she's ready for the world again." Firey came to my side and rested his hand on my shoulder. "It's ok. You'll still get to participate later on. Just not on the field." "Great." I replied sarcastically, straightening myself out.

A few hours later

"Alright everybody," Nurse Flame said, taking her gloves off while looking up at the clock. "Visiting hours are coming to a close, you'll be able to see your daughter in the morning starting at 10am." My parents nodded. "Oh, and Firey, can you help me gather the paperwork over there on the table?" Firey got right to it and my parents came back to my side.
"Alright my sweet leaf, we need to get going." My father said, stroking my head. My mom nodded in agreement. "We'll be back tomorrow honey. Try to get some rest, promise?" I shook my head. "Of course. I love you guys, I'll see you tomorrow." They both hugged me, and left the room. Nurse Flame walked out with the paperwork and now it was just me and Firey. "Say..Firey?" He looked up at me. "Yea?" "Where's my ring?" I asked. He looked at me with a confused expression. "Your..ring? I didn't know you had one." I snickered. "The ring you gave me silly! You know, my wedding ring?" He continued to stare at me, before busting up in laughter. "Ohhh I get it! It's a joke!" He replied. "You said that because you noticed my ring. I get it!" His laughter filled the room, and it wasn't until he noticed I wasn't laughing along that he stopped. "W-what's wrong?" He asked. "I wasn't joking.."
His smile disappeared and I could see him become fidgety.
"I don't know what you're talking about then Leafy. We're not even together. I have a girlfriend."

Rewritten version of Chapter 1. The old version will be available eventually in my book full of scrapped ideas/rewrites.
I've always had the idea in the back of my head to continue this book and I finally am! I hope you like this new version of chapter 1. I promise I'll continue this book.

1177 Words

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