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Annabelle was staring straight at Luke, the green of her eyes colliding with the blue of his and he took a deep breath before clearing his throat and looking her up and down. She was drunk. As hell. Her jacket had disappeared and now she was standing out on the chilly balcony dressed in only a pair of black jeans and a loose fitting Black Keys shirt.

"Annabelle, you must be freezing." He managed to say, his words coming out with only a slight hint of kindness as she groaned lowly and stumbled on her feet before grabbing the rail of the balcony for support.

"Luke, no. Shut up- I'm fine, answer my question." She demanded before sighing and pushing her hair back, her eyebrows creasing together as a sorry expression flashed across her porcelain features. "I- God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, I didn't mean to tell you to shut up. I'm sorry, Lukey-"

"Don't call me that, Annabelle." He sighed, pushing his hair back and taking another large gulp of the beer in his hand.

"Why not-? That- that's what I used to call you when we were dating, do you remember?" She asked as a drunken giggle left her lips and Luke scoffed loudly.

"Yeah, well we're not dating anymore are we?" He seethed, taking a step back when she stumbled again, staggering forward a few steps before groaning and leaning down to place her drink on the ground.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't even fucking start, Belle."

"Belle?" She questioned, the familiar nick name catching her attention as Luke groaned to himself for the use of the word.

"Look, don't worry about it. Never mind-" he started before turning and heading towards the door. "I'm going to head back in, you be careful, okay? You've obviously had a shit load to drink and-"

"No! Don't go." She cried before stepping forward and tripping on her own two feet, she stumbled for a number of seconds before landing face first on the concrete with a loud groan. Luke was by her side within seconds, cursing under his breath at the current situation he was in before helping her up and cringing at the blood gushing from her nose.

"Shit, is it broken? Is my nose broken?" She questioned, drunken fingers running over her facial features as Luke helped her to her feet and squinted to have a look through the dark outdoors.

"I- I don't think so. Fuck, I can't see anything Belle- I mean-"

"Hah, Lukey you called me Belle again. Shame on you." She managed to giggle, gripping onto his shoulder tightly as he slipped one arm around her waist and attempted to lead her inside. She could quite possibly have had a broken nose and she must have been in a crap tonne of pain and yet, she was giggling. The perks of being drunk off your ass.

"Annabelle, c'mon let's head in. We need to find a bathroom or something." He huffed, looking down to see her still stumbling feet struggling to keep her upright.

"No, I'm not going anywhere until you answer my question."

"Fuck, what question? You probably need a doctor Annabelle, this isn't a time to be dicking around." He groaned, meeting her eyes. She was a lot closer than he expected, which was understandable because he was helping her stand up. She blinked slowly before humming for a second, staring straight into his eyes and laughing again.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Annabelle, this isn't the time or the place okay? Now let's g- oh my God." She'd dropped to the ground and crossed her legs, folding her arms across her chest and shaking her head stubbornly, the blood from her nose still dripping down her face. "Annabelle, come on." He sighed, leaning against the railing and taking a deep breath. He just wanted to get her inside, inside so that he could find Naomi and leave.

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