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ok guys i got a chance and here is chapter 2

hope you guys like this chapter....

chapter 3 will be up soon its really long so i might put it into 2 parts....




It was just a message from Danel, I was so happy to see his message, i just wanted

to tell him what happened and have him comfort me. so i decided to open his message

Danel- hey.....

Lily- Hi

Danel- i need to tell u something.....

Lily- me 2...

Danel- can i go first?

Lily- Sure

Danel- Lily this had been the best year of my life, but i feel us 

driffting apart...

and i think we should break up, because your distance is killing me,

and i dont see us working out anymore.

you have tooo much going on in your life and i cant keep up anymore.

Lily- .........

Danel- you ok??

Lily are you ok???

Lily you there......

look im sorry it had to end out this way i will always love

you like a sister.

I was crying again, but no tears were coming out, i was to cried out to even think. 

So that night i cried myself to sleep again, only to wake up to hear my parents whispers

in the hall....

Mom- Honey, she cant handle all of this...

she needs to go to my friends house away from all this drama, and stay there till we

can fix this mess..

Dad- what if we can fix it.... 

Cathy thats what im scared of im scared if we send her there we wont be able to bring her


Mom- then we cant do anything, but leave her there ( crying)

Dad- i wont let that happen, she can stay here with her sisters, how come mary and anna are alright but she isnt she can handle this like they are...

Mom- dont you see? the kids cant process the info. thats why they are ok, they dont

understand what happened.... but sadly she does.....

Dad- Fine... I cant believe were doing this... when are we going

yo tell her all this?

Mom- Not yet i will tell her tomorrow before we pack her stuff and take her to

Marys house ( moms Friend)

Lily- Mom, Dad, tell me what i heard was a joke....

Mom And Dad- (sigh) yes....

Lily- I....I....I cant believe this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(crying) why why do i have to go?

Why cant i stay please let me stay dont make go to a strangers house.....

Dad- No lily, we have made up our minds and this is what were going to do...

tomorrow you will be going to your mothers friends house to live there, until we

can fix this mess your aunts created.

Lily- If you loved me, you wouldnt do this to me.

you would let me stay here with you and not with a bunch of strangers!!!!!! ( slamming door)

i was to lost in thought to ear anything but my mother crying...

i cant believe them sending me off to a bunch of strangers



Its 8am and today i have to leave my home, my safe house and go to a strangers house.

I need to start a new life.... I need to make new friends.... I need to stat at a new school

just great what i needed -_-

Mom- Lily, come and get into the car so we wont be late Mary is waiting for us

I really didnt want to go but i really didnt have a voice in it

because my mom and dad had made up there minds they were sending me


Lily- Coming mom...... (whisper) I will never forgive her for this......

after an hour in the car i fell asleep thinking dam they live far away!!!! 

the next hour i was asleep in the car what seemed to be 5 secs was an hour...

when we got out of the car i couldnt help but feel out of place, the house was huge to big......

while we were walking from the drive way to the door all i could think is wow.... its going to be hard to fit in..... why did they have to bring me here...... i wish grandma was still alive so at least she could have helped and maybe we couldnt be in this mess....

Finally we made it to the door and my mom rang the door bell....

all of a sudden the door opened showing.....

who do you guys think was at the door 

please vote, comment, send me messages do whatever you want :D



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