★.flowers on your grave

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Flowers on your grave

Tulips were always your favorite flower
you always adored them
whenever we see a tulip
you would always show your bright smile

now that bright smile are only in pictures
i see it everyday when i walk past your bedroom
the bedroom that i would sneak in
just to avoid interacting with your parents

why did you die first?
why couldnt it be me?
why couldn't i be the one who died first

i watch the doves flying into the air
reminding me of the doves on our wedding day
doves always reminded me of you too
you loved them like how you loved tulips
just like how you loved me

i used to be so happy and cheerful
but everything comes to and end

i cant feel anything
i can no longer feel emotions
no longer feel pain
no longer feel happiness
the only thing i feel is the hole in my heart

the one that you filled up with your love
i will love you till the day i die.


save me bc what the fuck is this 🙏
also this is like a old poem so i promise its gonna get better 😔🌈
cringing help me


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