(This part is brought to you by Daniel shifting into his dino forms)
-Jurassic World, Camp Cretaceous, Isla Nublar
3rd POV.
After Darius and Kenji were put on dino clean up duty for their punishment. Daniel and the others headed to lab of Jurassic World. Where he smiled as he watched the others look around in wonder. Before he and Dr.Wu began to talk on how things were going on. After Wu told Brooklyn where the bathroom was.
All while unbeknownst to everyone, Brooklyn snuck into Dr.Wu's office. Where she began looking through his computer, as she saw files that said indominus Rex. As well as one that surprised her, "Project Daniel: Dino Shifter" she whispered. Before opening the files as she took pictures of it all.
Back with the others, Daniel saw Sammy and Yasmina was with Ben. So he made his way to them, as he saw the boy holding a newly hatched baby Anklyasure. Who looked at him and cherped, "hmm, small, and cute" Daniel said as Ben informed Wu of the Anklyasure who he called Bumpy because of her uneven horns. As Wu took her away to be put with the others Anklyasures.
All the while, Daniel placed a hand on a sad Ben's shoulder. While Yasmina smiled at how nice he was.
Meanwhile in Dr.Wu's office as Brooklyn was looking through the computer. When the door suddenly opened as she turned to see the man himself. Looking at her with a stern face, making her give a nervous smile and chuckle. "Found the bathroom, hehe" Brooklyn remarked, before she everyone was shown out. As Daniel apologized to Wu before he and the others left. And met Kenji and Darius back at the same spot.
There, he noticed the sent of the Carnitorus while others noticed them breathing heavily. Before Roxie told them to head back to use lots of soap. As they headed on, all while Brooklyn looked at Daniel. While remembering the files she read of him having different dinosaur dna. And the word Dino Shape shifting in it, making her think back to the night before in the paddock. "What are you Daniel?" She thought as they headed back to camp.Mini Timeskip
Daniel's POV.
As night fell, we were all around the camp fire while Darius was trying to tell a spooky story to no avail. Well, almost everyone, as I noticed Yasmina in the corner with what looked like sketch book. As Sammy soon mentioned it and went to her to talk to her when it suddenly began to rain. Causing all to head inside, while Darius did not get to finish his story. As I chuckled and enjoyed the rain for a bit before heading inside. Where I saw Yasmina looking at me from the couch as I smiled at her. While she blushed and quickly looked away, which caused to me to chuckle. As I moved some of my hair from the front of my face while heading to my room.3rd POV.
While Daniel walked off Yasmina looked on at him. Before she noticed Brooklyn and Sammy smirking at them as she then placed a finger to their lips. To show that they knew and that they will keep quiet, before Brooklyn chuckled and headed off. As the Yasmina looked at Sammy and gave a nervous smile. Causing Sammy to chuckle as she convinced Yasmina to go to Daniel and confess her feelings to him. As Yasmina thought about it before deciding to do it. While she hoped that Daniel will accept her, so with that. Later in the night, Yasmina headed to Daniel's room. Where the Track Star knocked three times before the soon opened to reveal the young man wearing only his pajama pants. As the young girl looked on in awe at his chizled and well muscled body. Before looking up Daniel with Yasmina biting her lower lip. While she was lost in thought for a moment. "GODDAMN! handson, jacket, and *quickly looks at Daniel's big bulge in pant* ...big~" she thought. "Hey you, what brings the famous track star to my room?" Daniel asked with smile. "Uh, uh...we want you" Yasmina blurted out which surprised the two of them as Daniel chuckled a bit. "What I mean us...that I like you. And I was wondering if you find me interesting" she add. As Daniel smiled, before he went and pulled them close to him. As he separately kissed Yasmina on the lips. Surprising her while melting into it as she then rested her head on his chest. While feeling his abs, "does that answer your question?" Daniel asked. "Yes~" Yasmina replied before the young man invited her into his room. To which Yasmina eagerly accepted as they spent the night together in Daniel's room while getting to know each other before anything else. Before resting together with the Yasmina cuddling up and wrapping her limbs around Daniel who held her close with his arms in their sleep through the rest of the night.
To Be Continued.....

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous x OC Dino Shifter
FanfictionAfter his life was saved by his uncle, Dr.Henery Wu, by giving him the ability to shift into dinosaurs. Daniel's parents abandoned him due to this, as Wu took in and truly cared for him. And as Camp Cretaceous and Jurassic World falls, leaving Danie...