Season 1: Chapter 4

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(This part is brought to you by Daniel swimming in his Spinosurus form)

-Jurassic World, Camp Cretaceous

Daniel's POV.
I was with Dave and Roxie on the camp grounds while Roxie was on the phone. "We won't be long, Daniel, stay here with the others" Roxie added. "I'll as Dave got into the car after.
With that, I nodded and headed back inside while they drove off. Once inside, I placed the note on the counter, before heading to my room. Where I saw Yasmin a putting on her top as she turned and smiled at me. While I smiled before she came and hugged me as we both kissed each other on the lips. While I hug her back. "I had fun~ last night~" she remarked, "so did I~" I replied as we both chuckled at that.  "I'll see you outside~" Yaz added before giving me a peck on the cheek and headed out of my room. Where I plopped on my bed and dozed off for a quick moment. Before I heard commotion going on about a phone. As I sighed and headed out to where everyone one was when we suddenly heard a roar from outside. While everyone went to the balcony, the same roar rang out. As it sounded wrong, and made my intstincs a mess. While it told me to run, then to fight, as I did my best to control it and looked normal.
  As the others decided to go out and explore, with me and Ben trying stop them. As our words fell on deaf ears, with me sighing and joining them to secretly keep them safe. Before Ben joined us, with all off us heading to the Zip line tower. To which Brooklyn unlocked before they all races up top with me staying back a bit. As I looked around and sniffed the air before following the others up top. With me joining Yazmina's side as we smiled at each other.
But soon, everything went down hill as we saw the indominus rex.  Rush out the jungle and kill two park workers, before focusing on us. As she tried to get to us, and while everyone was screaming in terror. I sighed, before kissing Yasmina on the lips and jumped down to the indominus as everyone screamed my name. As I turned into my Spinosurus form and caused a good size dust storm as I stepped out of it and growled at the Indominus, gaining her attention.

3rd POV.
Everyone was shocked, not only at the fact that Daniel jumped off and survived the landing. But more importantly turned into a Spinosurus,  "Dino Shifter" Brooklyn and Sammy whispered. As Daniel gave a nightly roar that shook the ground and caused everyone to cover their ears.


  The indominus Rex then roared back at him before charging at Daniel.

(How the fight went but with the Indominus Rex raming Daniel through several trees and against a bolder. Knocking him out)

"DANIEL!" everyone shouted with Yasmina's feeling dread wash over her. As she started tearing up with her mind racing at everything that was taking place, as the Indominus Rex came back. As she began ramming herself agents the zip line tower. That was when Darius told everyone to zip line it to safty. But they did not get that far, as the tower fell due to the Indominus. With the campers falling to the jungle below.


Daniel's POV.
I woke with a massive headache while still in my Spinosurus form. As I then looked around to see that the Indominus was gone. Before getting up and changing back into my human form and headed to the zip line tower. Only to see that it had fallen, it was then I was filled with dread. At the possibility that Yaz and the others could have been eaten. but it was then I caught their fresh scent leading into the jungle. To which I hastily followed it all the way back to the now destroyed camp. Where I saw the others talking on what to do. As I gave a fake cough. Gaining everyone attention, "DANIEL!" they shouted in disbelief. As Yasmina rushed to and hugged me, as I smiled and hugged her back. "I thought I lost you" she whispered, "sorry that I mad you worry" I replied. As others came and looked at me with the "please explain" expressions. While Darius told us that we needed to go south to park and call for help. Causing me to sigh, "alright, I agree, along the way I will...explain myself" I replied. As me and Yasmina looked at each other, "everything" I added as she nodded before we headed off together.
To Be Continued......

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous x OC Dino ShifterWhere stories live. Discover now