Chapter 13

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Sophie's POV

My mind drifted through the haziness as I tried to who I was. Flashes of colors spun around me like a web, dragging me under. I tried to push free, but the colors pulled me closer. I heard snippets of voices. Loud shouting, hushed whispers, even squealing. It was all very comforting and it felt like I belonged there. I let the colors drag me under. Far, far away from the harsh truths of reality. But one voice I heard made me snap back into focus. It was one of the voices that I hated the most. One of the voices that had caused me this pain. It was Keefe's voice. My memories came rushing back and I slowly opened my eyes. I immediately sat up and wished I didn't. I groaned as the blood flowed to my head andI flopped back down on my bed.

I closed my eyes and desperately tried to transmit to Ruy to ask him if he and the others where ok, but something was blocking me. It was like a wall of water that surrounded my conscious, and whenever I tried to push towards it a wave would push me back. I figured that Linh and Dex had somehow came up with a way to block my transmitting because it literally screamed they did this.

I looked around at my surrounding and wasn't very shocked. I was in a metal room with one very bright light directly above my cot. There was a table and a few chairs and a couch. It was nothing like the homey and well loved hideouts they absolutely loved to have. Of course they would have built this room for the so called murderer.

I tried to get out of the cot, but something restricted me from fully getting out. I looked around and saw that there were chains on my hands and legs attaching to the cot. I once again tried to get out, but the chains wouldn't budge. They were sort of lightweight when they were left alone, but became really heavy when pulled. Probably another one of Dex's inventions. They were impressive, but Glitch could do much better.

What a shocker. I thought. Why wouldn't they put chains on their prisoner.

As I tried to figure out how to get out and teleport away I heard thuds coming towards my room. I weighed my options. On one hand I could be face to face with the people who betrayed me again. On the other hand I could pretend to be asleep and see what happens. I decided to go with the second plan. I wasn't really in the mood to get up and close with my creators.

So I flopped back down on the bed and pretended to be asleep. The footsteps started getting louder before, after what felt like hours the door swung open. And in came Physic and Tiergan.

"She's still asleep," Physic whispered and I heard her crossing the room over to my bed. "And her vitals seem pretty stable. Can you get past her blocking?" She asked. I immediately thickened my mental wall in case he tried to read my mind. There was no way I was going to reveal anything that could compromise the Neverseen.

"No. It's like she's specifically blocking me out." Tiergan sighed.

"Maybe we could have Fitz try and probe her mind." Physic suggested

"We already tried that," Tiergan said and he started pacing the room from what I was hearing. "It didn't work. I've had all of the telepaths that I trust try and nothings working."

There were a few moments of silence before Physic spoke up.

"Well there is one thing we could do." Physic said almost hesitantly "I can make a very powerful truth serum that will force her to answer no matter what but...." She said trailing off

"But what?" Tiergan asked.

"It's very unstable and dangerous. There's a high chance that she could have permanent damage done to her mind. It also contains 2 ounces of limbium. It could kill her."

A/N - Hello guys! This chapter is going to be two parts or three. So sorry that I haven't updated for what 5-6 days. I had writers block and couldn't think of anything to write and I sorta got really lazy and uncommitted. But I promise that I will try not to become like that again. Thank you for 491 reads! Bye!

- Lilac

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