Chapter 16

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Sophie's POV

I gathered all of my energy into a little seed and planted it. Within seconds the door blasted open. It was SO LOUD. I instantly made a run for it and ran down the long and narrow hallways lined with doors. I arrived at a fork and took a sharp left. I turned the corner and crashed into somebody holding something metal. I fell backwards and would've hit the ground if someone didn't grab my hand and pull me up. I yanked my hand away and looked up at the person I crashed into.

"Keefe?" I whispered

End of flashback

You have got to be kidding me. You have seriously got to be kidding me. There ain't no way I have this much bad luck. Oh who am I kidding. I'm Sophie Foster. Magnet for disasters and bad luck. I might as well be a black cat. That's just my life. Ever since I was five, nothing was ever the same. Why? Because thats when that idiot Forkle made me manifest my stupid telepathy. Major trauma for a 5 year old. All I could hear were voices. Ever since I woke in the hospital I've been been hearing everyone's true thoughts. Not the sugar coated version they spat out. The real truth. It was all so confusing and no one could understand how I felt. And then I met Fitz. Life was good for a few years. Well as good as it can get with a group of people trying to kill you. And then I got framed and well no need to bore you with the details. All you need to know is that I've had a rough life. And I'm pretty sure it's about to get worse. Because I just so happened to run into the person who hates me the most. The one and only Keefe Sencen. Yup! God must hate me! Keefe's voice dragged me back to the present.

"S-sophie?! What the hell are you doing here?! I thought you were in your room!" Keefe shouted

"Oh please you seriously expected me to stay in that prison you made for me?!" I spat

Keefe flinched. Good. I was done feeling sorry for people who didn't deserve my sympathy. One thing the Neverseen taught me is to always hide my emotions. Never give any reactions. Always make sure you have a neutral face. One wrong move could give you away.

"Sophie," Keefe said his voice becoming darker. "Come with me, we're going back to your room." He said grabbing my wrist and dragging me back the way I came. There wasn't any way I was going back to that cell. I was getting out of here. One way or another.

"I'd like to see you make me pretty boy." I said grabbing a dagger from my cloak, jumping back, and pinning him against the wall.
He pushed me back and knocked my dagger to the floor. I supposed I underestimated him. He seems to have gotten stronger. I smirked. Finally, real competition. I kicked him in the stomach making him drop to the floor and tied his hands and legs using some ropes I got from my cloak. The cloak was designed so that it could hold even a rocket in its pocket and make it seem like there was literally nothing in it. Glitch really is a genius. Thanks to him the Neverseen are light years ahead of the elves when it comes to weapons. I pushed him against the wall . It would be to much of a hassle to take him with me.

"Well, this has been fun, but I've really got to get going." I said grabbing my dagger and fixing my cloak.

"Don't do this Sophie, you'll regret it. The Neverseen are not to be trusted. They're using you." Keefe said struggling against his binds. I laughed.

"Seriously? You really expect me to believe that? You seriously think I'll believe you after you accused me of a crime I didn't even do and expect me to believe you? Wow you guys have become a lot dumber without me huh?" I laughed again "Tell me did you ever find the real reason Forkle died or do you still believe it was me?"

Keefe winced. "We found other supporting evidence that Gethen stabbed him with a sword. There was a journal with all of his plans and ways to kill the council memebers and Forkle in there. He must've dropped it in the escape." Keefe sighed "We were wrong back then Sophie. Please forgive us. We should've known you would never do something like this."

"Yes you should've, but you didn't. You all believed I was a murderer based off of some very poor evidence. You guys really are idiots. You want to know the real reason his blood was all over me. It was because I was trying to save him. I tried to stop the bleeding and when I went to find you guys for help I got hit with a piece of rubble. Imagine my surprise when I woke up in a room full of people who were accusing me of killing the guy who created me. I mean how dense can you even be. So ironic, huh? No I can't forgive you. I can never forgive you for everything you have done. I belong in the Neverseen. The actually appreciate me. They believe in my abilities and don't try to hide me away from danger. They actually trust me." I growled putting my gloves on. "Anyways lets get you gagged up shall we. We don't want you screaming for help." I said stripping a pice of cloth from my cloak.

"No Sophie don't-" Keefe started before I gagged him up and stood.

"You know for what it's worth," I said turning away "You were the one I trusted the most. I thought you understood what its like to be an outcast. To have too many expectations to live up to. Alone all your life. No one to turn to. But I suppose I was blind back then. Goodbye Keefe. I hope we won't have to see each other again."

A/N - Bro this chapter took such a long time. I wasn't liking how it turned out every time I wrote it. I just wasn't happy with the results. I'm not even happy with this version. It's good, but not up to my expectations. I suppose it could be better, but I'm too tired to care. Plus I have school tomorrow. I also have swimming class tomorrow afternoon and a math class in the morning so I'm going to go to bed now. *sighs in sleep deprivation *. Night y'all. Also thanks for 957 reads. We're so close to 1,000 reads. Yay! Also I'm going to update the other story first before I update this one this week. Also I'm thinking of starting yet another story once I finished one of these ones, but it's not going to be KotLC. I'll tell y'all if I do decide to write it. Anyways I'm tired. Byeeeeeee. Luv y'all.

- Lilac

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