VIII. / can't have a conversation if it's not all about you

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YouTube  ——  November 19, 2023


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          "Hello lovely girls, gays, and they's! It's Jo, and today we are going to be talking with the lovely Priscilla Love!" Said the host from her desk as Cilla sat opposite from her, smiling, "we'll be discussing shitty ex boyfriends to how she writes all these heartbreaking songs. And, she'll be preforming a special song she's picked, so stay for the end for that!"

          The artist put her manicured hands on her heart, lovingly. "Oh, stop Jo! I'm flattered, really."

"Okay, so Priscilla, your third ever album 'The Rise and Fall of Little Miss Revenge Ridden' is arguably one of the best albums of 2023. What were you going for in this album? Like, what message were you trying to send with these lyrics?"

Priscilla smiled at the question she had always liked being asked questions about her lyrics and what they meant to her, "um . . . I really just think I was going for something to call towards girls who have broken hearts and who just want to, feel hot! I guess!" She laughed, "because my fanbase is relatively teen girls so I write for them, and, for me when I was a teen."

          "I love that! Speaking of how do you write your lyrics and what's your process on writing?" Jo asked looking at her notes.

          Biting her lip, Cilla thought a moment before answering, "when I write my songs I really like to be alone, just me and my guitar, because writing with other people around is just distracting to me so I usually do it alone in my room or living room floor with my cat. And for coming up with lyrics . . . honestly, just get broken up with and then you'll find something in your mind like I do." The brunette said making both of them fill the room with laughter.

"Only if you're comfortable, would you like to talk about your ex? I know it may be a touchy subject but if you'd like can we talk about it?"

          "Oh my gosh! Yes, that was such a big part of my life so of course I would." She smiled softly, "I don't really want to say his name to protect his privacy but I dated this guy for five years! We met when I was sixteen, became friends, and when I was seventeen we started dating."

          Priscilla took a deep breath, feeling her chest tighten, Tristan would certainly not be happy when he found out about her talking about him, "it really was a good relationship in the first year, but then he just switched into a whole different guy, a person I didn't know. And I was so sucked into it I couldn't get out, so that's why it lasted so long. I really do wish I could've gotten out sooner but now that I have now, I'm just grateful for that."

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