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Mira Hoffman was hungover.

Violently hungover.

She didn't even drink much and yet her body felt as if she was six seconds away from dying, but then again, she wasn't a heavy drinker, and she barely ever drank alcohol.

But she had suffered from a day of drinking, and now it was six o'clock in the morning, her body lurched over the bowl of the toilet of her hotel room as she clung to it, begging for the sickness feeling within her body to go away.

The door to the bathroom was opened slowly, with a figure of a small man approaching her and crouching down beside her, their soft hands grabbing a gentle hold of her hair so that it was out of her face.

The figure lightly patted on her back in comfort, their voice soothing as all that she wanted was for the earth to swallow her whole.

"You've got this, it'll make you feel a lot better, just let it all out."

Yuki Tsunoda spoke softly as he gently reassured the Jewish woman, patting her back and soothing her whenever he could, his nose scrunched up as he tried to block out the smell from the vomit.

He felt bad for Mira, he really did.

Because she had been drinking with Max, Pierre and himself, Max had tried to get her to drink a lot of alcohol. She refused to do shots with the Dutch man, and rightly so because Pierre had agreed, only to be sick, just as much as she was being right now.

Yuki didn't drink much either, he had limited himself to a couple of beers, whilst also taking whatever drinks Max had attempted to force on the Hoffman girl, which she was very grateful for.

Yuki was her savior.

If she turned down cocktails, spirits or the occasional vodka and cola, Yuki would drink it for her so that Max wouldn't put anymore pressure on to her.

Yuki swore that the Verstappen man was doing it deliberately, knowing that Yuki would take the drinks himself.

The toilet flushed as the sickness mercifully came to an end, the brunette woman pushing herself up to her feet and staggering over to the sink, washing her mouth out with water before brushing her teeth and using mouthwash, wanting to rid herself of the flavor currently resting in her mouth.

"The movie has finished, so I'm gonna head back to my room, but I'll swing by in the morning, as we've got plans that we think that you'll like." Yuki grinned at his friend, seeing her nod her head up and down.

"Sounds good, I'm going to try and sleep, but I doubt that I'll manage that."

Mira Hoffman chuckled softly to herself, her eyes sparkling even in the dim light of the bathroom, grateful that Yuki was with her.

"I'll bring an energy drink with me then, when I check on you."

The Tsunoda man lightly wrapped his arms around her frame, taking her by surprise, though she quickly returned the gesture, before he stepped away and left, leaving her alone in her hotel room.

It was so strange.

It was barely a few days ago that she had met the two guys, Pierre and Yuki, and yet, already she couldn't imagine her life without them, was that bad?

She didn't have any friends in Monte Carlo, even though that was partly the reason why she had moved there, but now Pierre and Yuki had welcomed her with open arms and she couldn't imagine picture it without them.

Her old life was so boring, so dull and repetitive that since she had broken the endless cycle of it, she felt free.

Free to travel the world and do whatever she wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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WAITING FOR LOVE// YUKI TSUNODA Where stories live. Discover now