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After driving on home after dropping off Jasmine back at her own place, Braedey and Shadow both now head off to sleep, the two of them with happy memories about Jasmine and her driving about. It be happy for them to do it again, as they both settled in sleep.

As he slept peacefully and calmly, Shadow doing the same as well, unbeknown to Braedey, the blue gem inside of his great-grandfather's necklace started to glow in a faint blue light, as if like some kind of beacon

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As he slept peacefully and calmly, Shadow doing the same as well, unbeknown to Braedey, the blue gem inside of his great-grandfather's necklace started to glow in a faint blue light, as if like some kind of beacon. At the same time, faint flashes of light were coming from the cab of the muscle car outside, and the engine suddenly rumbled to life.

Braedey sat up abruptly in his bed when he heard the car's engine coming to life. His eyes widened as he immediately got out of bed, and sprints out onto the balcony, only to see his Camaro driving away. "HEY! Get back here, you!" Braedey now ran back inside and grabbed his jacket. He sprinted outside and jumps up onto his bike. "Uncle Ron! Call the cops!" With that, he sped off and chased on after his car, going on down the road.

Braedey pedalled on rapidly on his bike to keep up with the car. "Where in the hell do you think you're going with my car?" He immediately whips out his phone, making a call the authorities. "Hello? 911 emergency! My car's been stolen! I'm in pursuit and chasing after it! I need any available units! No, don't ask me questions? My uncle's head of the neighbourhood watch!"

The Camaro now drove up into a junkyard not far from the neighbourhood and plows on through the gate doors. Braedey rides in next, now getting off his bike, and he runs past a nearby cargo train that was just passing by. He soon for behind a pile of rubble and granite. But then, he saw something that left him awestruck and in shock.

His yellow racing stripe Camaro has turned into some kind of large robot! It stood as tall as 26 feet, the door wings are sitting on its back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, with the muscle car front built int...

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His yellow racing stripe Camaro has turned into some kind of large robot! It stood as tall as 26 feet, the door wings are sitting on its back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, with the muscle car front built into the chest, whilst the other two tyres are built as part of the ankles. The legs are slim from the thighs down to the knee joints, while below the knees, the lower legs are thickly armoured. The arms are slim and wrapped in black and yellow, while the hands are in black and have five fingers. The helm has two blue optics, a silver/grey facial plate, with yellow wrapped around the helm.

Braedey's blue eyes watch on intently as the robot now projected some kind of beam of light up into the night sky. Braedey tracked the light, and he saw an insignia up against a cloud in the sky. It was the exact same logo as the one he'd seen on the centre of the Camaro's steering wheel.

 It was the exact same logo as the one he'd seen on the centre of the Camaro's steering wheel

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'Whoa..' Braedey mused in thought, then he ducked down to try and not be seen.

Braedey pulls out his phone. "My name is Braedey Martin. Whoever finds this, my car is alive, right?" He held up his phone to show the robot. "You saw that? These might be my last words on Earth. Uncle Ron and Aunt judy thanks for taking me in, Jasmine I love you so much, you're the only girl l've fallen for. The care of Shadow for me."

Braedey puts his phone away and he tries to get to his bike so he could get out. He suddenly heard growling behind him, making him stop. He slowly turns around, and saw a Rottweiler and German Shepherd growling at him. He tried to back away slowly but the dogs immediately chased after him, barking loudly and angrily at him.

"NO NO NO! Good dogs! Down!" Braedey broke into a w and ran into some kind of tent, getting up on a pile of tyres while the dogs try to pounce on him. "Hey, hey! Back!"

Suddenly, the robot, who's now back in Camaro form, bursts through a wooden wall and scared the dogs away. It drove around Braedey as if to observe or even protect him.

"Take the keys! Don't need them!" Braedey threw the keys at the car and he ran out of the tent. A police car then pulls up and two officers step out, guns raised. "Thank god you guys are here-"

"Hands where we can see them!" One of the officers orders, their guns aimed at Braedey.

"No, no, the guy who stole my car is-" Braedey tried to say to the officers, but he didn't get the chance to plead to the cops.

"Hands behind your head, and put your head on the hood! Now!" The officers ordered.

Braedey sighed and he complied to the officer's orders, now putting his head on the car with a thud, leaving a rather sizeable dent in the hood as a result.

'Why me? And right after I kissed my crush today!' Braedey cried inwardly.


By the next morning, Braedey was now sitting in a cop's office being interrogated with his uncle watching, having been called at 5AM. Ron was not too happy about this, but stood by Braedey's side to plead to the officers.

"Look, how many times do I have to say it? It stood up." Braedey snapped in exasperation.

"Wow. Just stood up. That's neat." The cop chuckled, clearly not believing a single word that came out of the teenager's mouth. The cop then hands him a handkerchief and a cup. "Okay, chiefie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy."

"What?" Braedey questioned taking them.

"What are you rolling?" The cop asked to Braedey as if this were a cop show or something like that. "Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys?" He edged on.

"I'm not a drug addict, you!" Braedey now threw the cup and handkerchief away. "Why do you think I do drugs at all? I have a clean slate record."

"What's these?" The cop was then tossed a cup of pills. "Shadow, huh? That's a catchy name for pills."

"Those are my pet Husky's pills." Braedey stated bluntly, folding his arms.

"Takes them for going to the bathroom." Ron added in.

The cop sighed in exasperation, now seeing the mistake he made, as Braedey saw his gun sticking out of his jacket. The cop smiled. "What was that?"

Braedey looked back at him innocently. "What was what? What?"

"You eyeballing my piece, 50 Cent?" The cop leaned in towards Braedey. "You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it. Cause I promise you I will mess you up."

"Are you on drugs?" Braedey now questioned.

After that false accusation, Braedey was free to go, and he sat in silence as Ron drove him back home. He was not too sure about what to do next, but he did feel rather strange internally when he saw the robot and the beacon of light last night. He was still unsure about what happened, and not even sure if the car might come back...

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