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|| TILL POV ||

'what the fuck just happened' I thought to my self as I stared at Ivan's lifeless- no, he isn't dead, he can't be.

"Hey Ivan. It's not funny anymore..."

I muttered as I kicked the body in the stomach gently, just wanting him to stand up and say that he was okay, or that it was a prank, or anything. But no, Ivan was still laying in the floor as I kept repeating those six same words over and over while continuing to kick his body gently. I continued to do so until I felt one of the robots start to drag me off stage, and saw another drag Ivan's body. I try to stop them by screaming, but nothing came out of my mouth. Maybe I whimpered a little since I started to feel tears fall from my eyes, but that was all. My eyes were stuck on the body the robots were dragging before it could get out of view. Just then I realized that the  robots that dragged me off stage started to drag me back to my room. At this point I didn't even care anymore. I had lost Mizi, and now I lost another one of my friends, Ivan. Who knew that loosing people I guess 'close to you' could hurt this much? Not some time later I felt myself get thrown onto the floor of my room before the door was closed and locked by one of the robots. I slowly crawled to my bed and just started to cry and have a breakdown. I couldn't take it anymore. All of this was too much. I just wanted someone to get me out of this piece of shit, or maybe just kill me. Not so long later I feel myself start to fall asleep from all of the crying.


I woke up from someone shaking me, before I could comprehend what or who was walking me up, I felt them start to carry me somewhere. The only thing I know is that they left the room while carrying me. I didn't really try to scream at them or something since I didn't care about life anymore. So I just let them do whatever. After some time I felt the person lay me in a flat surface before I think closing a door. Which I don't know why but right when the person closed it, wherever I was started to shake as I felt it moving. Moving? Why do I feel like we are moving? Are we in one of those alien vehicles? Well I didn't really care. So I decided to just close my eyes and get some sleep.

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