Chapter 3 (Devil's Dawn)

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Many years had passed and during these years the demons were deceiving the people of the seven lands, but no one lost their faith in King keyumars. It was even rumored that several people had lost their lives over this issue.

Siamak was now young and married to a noble woman named Saman naz.

And Siamak had recently had a son named Houshang. A celebration was held in Iranshahr on the occasion of Siamak becoming a father and keyumars becoming a grandfather.
Everyone is enjoying the celebration. Saman Naz was sitting next to Kimia and both were looking at Siamak.

Saman Naz: He is a good substitute for a king

Kimia: Of course...he is my son. And the kingdom is in his blood.
On the other hand, This is a heavy responsibility. king keyumars cannot do this all the time

Saman Naz: That's right. But I am confident in the abilities of King keyumars.

Kimia gives a satisfying smile.

Kimia: You also gave us a grandchild. He is a strong and beautiful boy.

Siamak was talking next to Commander Chavosh.

Chavosh: You made the king happy

Siamak: True to his word... this is my mission

Cavush: Siamak, since you were born, I was chosen by your father to be by your side and to accompany you.
Like a companion, an uncle, or even a friend

Siamak puts his hand on Chavosh's shoulder.

Siamak: And you were successful in this, commander.
In this palace, you are the closest person I trust

Chavosh: So listen to me. Always listen to your father's words.
You may think that your father is just a good king and fails to be a father.
But when you are in trouble, I have seen how upset your father is.
I am loyal to you and your father and this land.

Siamak: I understand what you are saying.
Don't worry, Commander. you try hard، Give yourself some rest

(The entrance to the land of Iranshahr.)

Several demons had hidden their faces and hid themselves among the people. They walked close to each other and communicated through their eyes.

When they successfully passed through the gate, they removed their masks and drew their swords.

_For ahriman
_ Do not leave any of them alive.
_ In ahriman lands, there is no place for you

They started killing defenseless people and showed no mercy to anyone. men ,women and children.

One of the soldiers mounted a horse and quickly moved towards the palace.

The soldier hurriedly entered the palace and called the commander Chavosh with a shout, and this shout completely disrupted the celebration.

Soldier: Commander... god, commander... th...they are here... the children of ahriman... they are killing everyone.

Commander Chavosh and some soldiers get on a horse and quickly go to the city gate. When they arrive, a war breaks out between them and the demons

The demons recognize the commander and during the battle two of them put a dagger in his stomach and heart

Commander Chavosh falls on the ground covered in blood, he sees that the soldiers defeated the demons and he dies with a small smile.


On that day, those demons killed a number of defenseless people and a small number of soldiers on the orders of Ahriman. But they were also killed

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