Chapter Three

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If Mr. Lane found out that the books he had literally just given me were scattered so carelessly over the floor, I think he may have cried, hell I want to cry. I sigh rubbing my head a bit as I now have a headache, standing I limp over to the books and gently pick them up dusting them off and placing them in boxes, it'd been a week since my town burned to the ground, a week that the townsfolk left to find new places to live, and no one, absolutely no one came to see if what happened to my parents happened to me. I sigh, shaking my head before hearing a small meow. I smile squatting down a bit and rubbing Lilith's head. "It's alright. I have you, don't I?" I say and giggle hearing her grunt in response.

I hear a shuffle and I stand up wincing a small bit as I look around, slowly pulling the dagger I had against my thigh out. I glare as I see the same pair of eyes that I ran into the night of the fire. Just my damn luck, I glanced around, and I guess I shifted a bit because he threw his hands up like I had a gun to him. I narrow my eyes on him. "I don't want to harm you. I just want to help." He says slowly and I shake my head and give a bitter laugh which I see him tense at. All I can see is his eyes, I can't see what he looks like or even what color his hair was. He was in a fully weird tunic that had armor here and there, it wasn't as heavy as the one he had on that night, but it covered all the valued areas.

"Help? That's what you call burning down an entire town? Help? Geez you need your head examined." I say and slip my knife back into its holster on my thigh. I sigh and I see Lilith walk up to the man and rub herself against his leg, I let my jaw drop a little because the little feline is a bitch to literally everyone, including me sometimes. I hum gazing at the man warily. "What type of help?" I say leaning on the table behind me with my arms crossed. "Well, burning the town was a little excessive in my opinion...but, you don't know the reason behind it. We aren't crazed animals." He states and he must have seen the look I was giving him because he leaned against the wall with a sigh. "We tend to watch small towns like this, we assess the damage done to the earth and forest that resides in the town and we do everything to try to help it get back to health. If it's too far gone, the town goes so that nature can take back what was stolen. Your little cabin here in the forest area was the only one that didn't seem to harm anything, though we had to make it look like you were the victim as well." He explained and I just listened trying to understand who gave them the authority to do such a thing. I scoff a bit. "Yeah, right, guess you knocked me out and shoved me in a cave." I say sarcastically but look back to him when he's silent. "Oh, my gods! You knocked me out and threw me in a cave!" I rage and shake my head. "The hell man! I had a bump on my head for a whole week!" I say irritated. "There is a cut on my forehead where you hit me." I growl.

"You're very feisty...nothing like how you were with the townsfolk." He points out like he's been watching me the entire time which makes me cringe a bit. "What do you want with me? Why even get me away from the town in the first place?" I question with a brow raised. "Well, one you protected the dragonfly, she seemed to like you, and wouldn't leave you for a moment." I squint my eyes wondering why that mattered so much. I see him walk up to me his hands up to show he wouldn't hurt me. I glare at him but allow him to proceed. "That and all your books here. They are a dead giveaway that you know a lot about the creatures of the Fae, maybe you even know more about it then I or any of us realize." He keeps saying to us or we, there's more of them. I glance around to make sure no one is sneaking up on me before sighing. I feel him gently move me to sit on the table which of course my breath hitches as I feel his hand on my hip. "W-what-"

"Just allow me to assist you, after all it was our fault." He mumbles as I feel his hand gently unwrapping the dirty bandage from my ankle, I hiss a bit as his hands start to massage the area.

"I was the crazy lady for liking the Fae, just something about them are-" I say and pause to think. I hum as my brows furrow. "Well, they're beautiful down to their core and they can be dangerous when they wanna be. My parents told me stories of the Fae growing up and said that one day they'd find the door to their realm and go through to spend their days with the Fae, to escape reality." I mumble, I'm not sure why I'm speaking to him about this, then again, he isn't looking at me like I'm completely out of my mind, maybe that's all I've ever wanted was to talk about my findings and not be judged for it but rather listened to by intrigued ears. That, and his hands are working magic on my ankle. There isn't any pain left as it feels like he just rubbed it all away.

Glancing up his eyes bore straight into mine and my breath got caught in my chest. I somewhat straighten which catches his attention as his eyes go down, rather trailed down. I hum feeling a small heat before I blink and look away. "You know you just took away people's homes. Sometimes, that's all we have." I say as I look around the ruins of my home, it could be rebuilt but there is literally nothing I can do, the closest shop would be an hour to two hours away. "Yes, well I've come to give you a home." He said and I scrunch my nose a bit as I look at him. He stands up and look at me as he backs away, I look down at my ankle seeing a new and clean bandage on it. I hum and give a wary look.

"My home is quite large, if you don't mind the housekeep and my brothers." He said and hummed. "I don't offer this to anyone dearie. You're different, and where I am from, I think you may end up feeling like you actually belong." He said and I felt my heart squeeze with the temptation of that feeling. I hum, shaking my head. "I don't even know you, or trust you, why would I come to live with you." I state like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Fair point. Here." He says as he walks up to me and hands me a brown satchel. I furrowed my brows taking it and looked in it seeing all kinds of different rubies and gems. I gasp a bit and look up at him. "What is this?" I ask and look back down looking at the shiny objects.

"Compensation for destroying your home and making you uplift your roots to set them elsewhere. Please do take them, they could help you on your journey to finding a new home. Though I hope you know if we run into each other again, I will extend my offer. I don't like to let go easily." He says and I can hear the smile in his voice. I look at him and sigh. "I shouldn't be taking this, but I will." I mumble seeing him nod delightedly, I shake my head. "If we end up running into each other again, I really hope it won't be because of you burning down my town, if so, I may just think you're doing it to get me to go with you." I say with a small smile of my own.

Yes, yes I know, don't trust the big bad man, don't let your guard down but fuck was it easy to be myself in front of him. Not to mention he was hot as fuck, maybe I can't see his face but his voice, and his scent, what even is that? What the hell Lila, get it together, but- I felt like I belonged, like I was wanted. "Ah well, if there's ever another town and I know you're there, I'll speak up rather than throw you in a cave." He said with a chuckle and something in my stomach turned, it sounded like honey, so smooth and thick, part of me wanted to hear it again. I shake my head. "That would be greatly appreciated. I am only human after all." I say with my own chuckle and he only nods.

As soon as he leaves my reality sets back in and I facepalm so hard I'm sure I left quite a red mark on my forehead. "What the actual fuck." I grit and sigh as I grab my stuff and look at my car hoping I could make it to a gas station before it gives up on me. I get everything I absolutely need from the house before I am just staring at it like I did back then, it's a routine now, every year the town I am in there is a fire, someone may cause it in their kitchen, or there may be fire that lightening causes, whatever it is, I have bad luck and fire likes to chase me, and now I feel like it's an even bigger deal then I originally thought.

Going back to the conversation that man was telling me, he said that they go town to town observing them to see if the earth and land are good and well. I sigh as I drive, making it to the gas station in the nick of time. I see an inn sign ahead as well and seeing as I will be on the road a while, I stop in after getting gas and ring the bell on the desk. "Oh hello! How are you doing tonight?" An elderly woman asks, and I smile. "I'm doing fine, how are you?" I reply and see her eyes twinkle a bit. "Oh, I'm just delighted to have another lovely lady in the room. May I be of service to you?" She asks and I nod. "I'd like to purchase a room for the night?" She nods and we exchange payment and keys before she shows me to the room. I smile and thank her before I plop on the bed feeling a feline follow my lead. I scoop her up and cuddle with her as I stare out the little window.

Why does everything seem to always go to shit. I'm literally a walking bad luck charm. Sighing I close my eyes as I let sleep take me.

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