Chapter Eight

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Four weeks, a whole month since that night he told me his name. Four months and no fires on the news, no word from him, nothing. Absolutely nothing. I heave a bit as I lift the laundry up to lay on my hip and start walking inside the Inn. "Thank you dear!" The inn keep says and I smile. "Of course!" walking up the stairs and down to the rooms I see Eden leaning against the wall next to the window. I sigh and shake my head. "Why look so glum?" I say with a small pout to tease as I walk into a room to redress it. He chuckles at my tease and hums as he comes up behind me.

"Maybe because I didn't have you next to me, Little Amber." He says as he kisses my head while his arms wrap around my waist pulling me into his chest. I giggle a little as my arms fall in place with his and I tilt my head so I can see him. "Oh, so you're all better now, hm?" I say and he nods. "Good, you can help me with the laundry." I say bopping his nose before stepping out of his arms to start the bedding. He groans before going to the other side to help.

Eden has been coming by a lot more, especially after Alec's visit, but he's helped so much with everything here that it's all become natural. Part of me feels like the more this will go on that Alec and the fires and everything that happened would just be history. A distant memory, sometimes it already does feel that way.

"Hey, love birds, y'all wanna go out tonight? Let's say around ten?" Jenna says as she pops up at the door. It was our week off starting after our shift tonight. Ms. Anaya insisted on giving us a week of vacation, so Jenna had a whole trip planned. We would go to the nearest lake and just go camping for the week. We would leave tomorrow but if Jenna wants to go out, we may actually be delayed by a day, maybe even two. I chuckle and nod. "Where to go tonight?" I ask and instantly regret it. "Oh no. Please no." I whine seeing her mischievous smirk and evil glint. "Baby we're going dancing!" She says in a sing-song voice as her hands go up to the air. I groan in defeat and sigh.

I am not against dancing; I just haven't danced since my parents died. I loved it, my mom was the one who taught me, so it was sometimes hard doing something my mother loved so much. That and I find it hard to dance with others, I don't click with people very well, so if I dance with you, it's like you're the chosen one. "But that's not the best part! It's like a masquerade kinda thing. Everyone's gonna be in masks and in fancy dresses, it's not my kind of dancing so you'll be fine." she says waving a hand.

I hum thinking about it and sigh. "Fine. But if I make a fool outta myself you're buying my coffee..." ..." For a whole month. Yeah, yeah I got it." She finishes before squealing. I look to Eden and raise a brow. "If I'm going, you're going to." I say before he could say no, and I just see him surrender with a sigh. I smile a little and sigh. "I guess after I am off, I have to go shopping." I said as Jenna took off to go plan her outfit. Me and Eden finish up the chores and sit in the lobby talking for a while as we've gotten relatively close as of late.

"Be safe while out shopping, okay? I will see you when you and Jenna get there." Eden says softly as he plants a gentle kiss on my lips. I look up into his eyes with a smile and nod. "Why of course. Save me a dance." I say kissing his cheek before walking towards the town to find a dress and mask for this party. I wonder what it's for, is it an organization? Is it a foundation for the town? Will it be a proper masquerade? Will he be there? I shake my head and walk into a clothing store and look around, the strong smell of perfume hitting me like a wall. I try my hardest not to make a face as I continue in and look at the dresses that they had out.

Masquerade, it shouldn't be too modern, but not too vintage. I need a proper dress for the occasion. I see a beautiful gown in the back of the store in a separate area, it's a gorgeous color, the fabric looks soft and silky. I hum as my hand gently caresses the fabric. "Can I help you with something?" I hear. I jump a little and look at the woman watching me. I smile and nod. "I'd like to try it on if you don't mind." She shakes her head and takes the dress leading me to the dressing room.

This is it. I haven't fallen in love with a dress like this in so long. It's stunning. "Do you possibly have a mask that goes with it?" I ask, stunned with my question. She takes a moment but nods. "Yes, ma'am as a matter of fact we do. We actually have a few." She says as she goes to get them, when she comes back she has three different ones. "This one is a nosy one we like to say, it catches attention, it's green with the gold embroidered in the mask, the gems on it create what is somewhat like a crown at the top. They are all real gems, it's based on nature, like the queen of nature or ruler of nature is what the mask represents." She says let me look at it as she speaks about it.

I hum looking at the next one as she moves on. "This one is a little less noisy, this one is a lace mask with gems scattered through it, like tiny diamonds, it's not as heavy as the first one and not as bold either but it still has quite a bit of flare to it." I smile as I run my fingers across it and nod. "And last but not least is this beautiful, elegant metal gold mask that is simple but makes a statement. It enhances the dress and doesn't draw too much attention away from it, if that is what you're looking for. And if you look here, you can see a small diamond in the middle of the forehead. It's my personal favorite." She says as she points at it. She looks up at me and I hum as I begin to try each one on. Once I find the one that fits the most I smile and look at her. "Ring me up. I found what I wanted." I say giving her the mask I chose and went to change out of the dress and gave her the dress once changed. "Alright it's gonna be one fifty. I discounted it a bit." She says and I nod as I hand her the money.

"Thank you, I will definitely be coming back to browse again." I say before walking out and going towards the Inn to get ready. I hum a little bit as I walk before, I feel a warmth on my chest. I look down and see the necklace on my neck glowing a small bit. I gently lifted it and placed it in my palm, it felt like someone was there right in front of me. I take a deep breath before shaking my head and letting the piece fall back on my chest as I continue to walk.

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