Chapter 2

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At five in the morning on June 30th, Chloe came into Beca's room while she was still asleep.

"Morning, Beca," Chloe said, knocking on Beca's door.

"Is it six already?" Beca asked with a yawn.

"Nope, five," Chloe said, correcting her.

"What is it with you being up so early in the morning?" Beca grumped.

"Come on, Beca, you know I have to leave for the airport in an hour," Chloe reminded her.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot today was the day," Beca realized.

"I'm going to go take a quick shower," Chloe decided.

"Want me to make you breakfast?" Beca asked.

"Sure. That'll help me out a lot," Chloe said.

While Beca was downstairs making eggs, Amy came down.

"Do I smell eggs?" Amy asked.

"Yep. I'm making breakfast for Chloe since she has to leave for the airport soon," Beca explained.

"Well, you just made me hungry for some," Amy answered, hearing her stomach growl.

"Relax, Amy. I'll make you and I some eggs after Chloe gets out of the shower," Beca said.

Just then, Chloe came downstairs with her suitcase.

"Mmm, those eggs smell good," Chloe said.

"Glad you think so because they are ready," Beca said as she put Chloe's eggs on a plate.

Chloe took her plate to the kitchen table, so she could eat her breakfast.

"So, do you need one of us to drive you to the airport, or are you taking a cab?" Beca asked.

"Actually, Chicago's driving me to the airport. He should be here any minute," Chloe said, just before someone knocked on the door.

"That's got to be him," Beca said as she went to answer the door.

"Hey, Beca," Chicago said.

"Chicago, please come in," Beca invited him, and he did so.

"So, is Chloe ready to go?" Chicago asked.

"Almost. She's eating her breakfast right now," Beca said.

"I'll be ready in a bit," Chloe called.

"Take your time," Chicago said.

About three minutes later, Chloe finished her eggs and then put her plate in the sink.

"Okay, I'm just about ready. Let me double-check my suitcase to make sure I packed everything.

I'll be really upset if I forget to pack my swimsuit," Chloe remarked as she unzipped her suitcase.

"Chloe, you did pack your swimsuit last night. I saw you do it," Beca reminded her.

"Oh, well, that makes me feel slightly better. In fact, I see it in here," Chloe confirmed before zipping it back up.

"Alright, you ready to head out?" Chicago asked.

"Let's hit the road," Chloe said.

"Have a great time at Disney World! Please take lots of pictures and bring me back some ears," Beca requested, hugging Chloe.

"Will do, Beca," Chloe promised.

"Don't I get a hug goodbye?" Amy asked.

"Of course, Amy," Chloe said, hugging her.

"You guys have a lot of fun," Amy said.

"We will. Come on, hon, let's get going before we hit traffic," Chloe said as she grabbed her suitcase and followed Chicago out the door.

Around seven, Chloe and Chicago arrived at JFK. He pulled up to the entrance and opened the trunk of the car so Chloe could grab her bags.

"You got it?" Chicago asked while Chloe grabbed her suitcase.

"Yep," Chloe said.

"I hope you have a fun few days with Aubrey and Chad," Chicago said.

"I will," Chloe assured as the two shared a goodbye kiss.

"I'll miss you," Chicago said.

"You too," Chloe said as she wheeled her suitcase into the airport entrance.

Chloe made her way to the area where bags are checked, dropping off her single large suitcase before heading toward the gate and calling Aubrey.

"Hey, Chloe. You at the airport yet?" Aubrey asked, answering her phone.

"Yep. I just went through bag check," Chloe replied.

"Well, we're already past security and waiting for you at the gate," Aubrey said.

"I'll meet you there," Chloe said before hanging up.

At that point, Chloe went through security. She didn't have TSA Precheck, so she had to go through the line where everyone was required to take off their shoes. Since she wasn't carrying much on the plane with her, it didn't take her very long to get through. After following the signs, she found Aubrey and Finn at the gate.

"Hey, guys," Chloe waved, joining Aubrey and Finn.

"Hey, Chloe. Hope you had no trouble getting here," Aubrey said.

"Not at all. I woke up at five this morning to get ready, and Chicago brought me here," Chloe recapped.

"Nice. Chad went to get us some drinks. He should be back soon," Aubrey said, looking down the concourse for Chad.

Just moments later, Chad returned with a Coke Zero for him and an iced coffee for Aubrey.

"Hey, Chloe," Chad said.

"Hey, Chad," Chloe said.

"Looking forward to this trip?" Chad asked.

"You betcha!" Chloe exclaimed.

"So is Finn. He's been excited for this trip ever since we brought it up to him," Aubrey said.

"I'm not surprised. It's been twenty-six years since I first went to Disney World," Chloe explained.

"Twenty-six years? Wow, that's a really long time," Chad said.

"Yeah. So, I'm really excited to be going back again, and we're going to have an awesome time!" Chloe said as the others agreed.

While they waited for boarding time, everyone got up one at a time. They all wanted to make sure they used the bathroom before boarding, so they wouldn't have to worry about it during the flight. By the time they all returned, it was just minutes before boarding time, so they gathered their things and got in line to board the plane.

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