"I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you."

Cassandra Clare (author of the Mortal Instruments Series)


 I clicked the 'clock in' button on my phone and saw that it began to count how long I was clocked in for. I placed my phone in my pocket and turned on the 'open' sign that was sitting in a window. It was a beautiful morning, it was over ninety which was always sad when you have to work, but I need the money for college. Mom and Dad told me that I am paying for college myself, as my brother did once.

Lila came in from the door, "Morning, Austin."

I smiled at her and repeated the 'morning' to her. A small sigh left my mouth as I looked over at Lila putting on her apron, "Do you think that Molly will come today?" I asked. It's officially July and has been a month since Molly and I became semi-friends again. I'm still a little shy around her (as it comes with my personality), but overall it's been pretty good.

Lila smirked over at me, "Molly now?" she asked.

I shot her a look and she only chuckled, "I know that she's at work today, but gets off around two," she replied.

I checked the time, it was ten. The coffee shop opens around seven in the morning and I know that she has to be there thirty minutes before opening.

Lila turned to me, "By the way, it's obvious that you like her."

I was about to speak, but she had already left to the back. I stood there dumbfounded for a moment, am I really that obvious? I asked myself. I was taken away from my thoughts in the phone rang, "Who orders this early in the morning," I grumbled. I went over to the phone, "Taylor's, how can I help you today?" I asked.

When I was putting in the name of the order, the door of the shop opened and I saw a figure walk in.

"Hey kid, you still on there?" the voice on the phone asked.

"Oh, sorry, what was the name?" I asked, feeling embarrassed.


"Okay, it'll be around twenty minutes, okay?"

"Thanks kid," and I heard the man hang up.

I already could tell that today would be a busy day. Just by how we get our first two orders in five minutes of being opened.


The rest of the morning went by quick and I would have another thirty minutes of work before I could leave. I was in the back, helping Lila with three pizzas that I sent back for her (she already had five). Say the least, she wasn't pleased about it.

I heard the bell on the door ring, signaling that the door had opened, I turned to Lila, "You think you can handle this from here?"

She nodded, "Yeah, but if there's more than two pizzas, I will make you do all of the pizzas by yourself."

I raised my hands up in surrender, "Yes, ma'am."

When I opened the door from the kitchen to the front, I smiled softly, "Molly, what are you up to today?" I asked, already putting on her normal ice cream order.

The girl let out a sigh, "Well, I woke up at five and got ready for work, and then work was slammed all day," she told me, "Oh, did you know that the bookstore was having a discount today that if you bought a coffee, you got twenty percent off of their purchase?" I was going to reply, but she began talking again, "and my wonderful boss decided that she didn't have the need to tell me, can you believe that?" she finished with a heavy sigh.

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