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Athena's Pov

I wiped my hands on my jeans, trying to wave off the unsettling feeling that's growing in me. I need to be more confident. But facing a killer with short-temper isn't part of my expertise. 

As I step inside the living room, Ares notices me first and subtly taps on Hades’ thigh to make him aware of my presence. Both of them silently watch me stepping inside and when my shoes make a noise on the wooden floor, grandpa and Zephyr look in my direction as well. 

Almost instantly grandpa’s face lit up while his middle child simply stared at me with indifference. I gulped due to the constant undivided attention of the brothers as it made me uncomfortable. 

“Athena, come sit.” I could clearly hear the joy in grandpa's voice.  

I loved that I made his day, simply by my presence. He surely loves me more than his sons. It makes me feel guilty that after everything he's done for me, I still refused to talk to him. 

We haven't really talked in three days. Tristan fed me the first day and since then I only took lunch and refused each time grandpa brought breakfast and dinner. I thought I was doing the right thing and even after talking to Hades on the second day, I still kept the same routine for another day as I desperately needed isolation to sort out my mind. 

But I think I've figured out a few things now. I might not be able to control each part of my life but I’m willing to try and be just a little better than before. 

For my grandpa. For my peace. 

And for my freedom. 

I went to sit next to him and took him in a hug. “I missed you.” I whispered. 

He returned the hug and held me to his chest. “I missed you more, sweetheart.” 

“You’re not supposed to forgive her so easily, dad. She ignored us for four days.” Ares jokes. 

We broke the hug and grandpa scowled at him. “Next time you ruin our moment, I'm taking you out of my will.” 

“Don’t you think that’s not a particularly good threat since your will is already in her name?” Zephyr pointed out. 

“Well then I'm throwing him out of this mansion.” Grandpa corrected. 

“Um it's kinda on our name…” Ares muttered. 

“I have to tell you guys something…” I interjected before they could further stretch this conversation.  

“Sure what is it?” Zephyr asked so casually and walked towards me. 

My breathing became faster as he narrowed the gap between us until he was a few feet away and settled on the single sofa next to mine where he could clearly hear me —or attack me if I mess up. 

“I wanted to say something too but I'd like to hear you first.” He said. 

“You can go first, it's fine.” I immediately replied as his words had just triggered my anxiety. I was scared of what he had to say.  

“No, you go first. I can wait.” When I opened my mouth to urge him again, he cut me off. “I insist.” 

His politeness is due to grandpa’s presence and I'm relieved that my bodyguard still had a hold over my worst enemies. 

“I was thinking…” I should’ve written a script for it. “I mean I have decided…” I tried gathering my words as four pairs of eyes looked at me. “I’ll stop doing what I was. I regret it, I'll change now.” Grandpa looked at me skeptical so I added. “For real this time.” 

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