One man dead. Two hands bloody. One heart broken.

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The song choice for this chapter is "The Way I Loved You" by Taylor Swift.

The song choice for this chapter is "The Way I Loved You" by Taylor Swift

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Genevieve hates me.

I can't say I care.

I don't know what Imelda told her, but I don't think she likes me enough not to throw me under the bus. So, I'm sure Genevieve is under the impression I either blackmailed Imelda or made her look bad. Maybe she also assumes I told Imelda some lie. I don't know.

Like I said, I don't care.

After our first practice, I'm sure Imelda doesn't regret her decision. I played amazing. I was as fast as I had ever been and while I'd never admit it, I'm sure I would not've played this well if she had me on the team straight away and I wouldn't have had to fight for it.

After practice, we change, and my eyes flicker to Imelda and Sebastian a few times. It seems that they've sorted out their non-existent date problem and seem on good terms. How good, I don't know, but good anyhow.

Even though it doesn't concern me in the slightest, I do think about how much he's told Imelda. I don't think she knows about Anne (who makes a botanical garden out of my room, by the way), but I wonder how much Imelda knows about Solomon and everything that happened in the catacomb and before.

I do ask Ominis about it after practice and as a reply, he laughs at me. 'Nothing, likely. He may date her, but he's never trusted her.'

What a fun relationship to be in. I mean, what's Sebastian's basis for a good partner then? I can imagine a fun list.

1) Must be okay with me killing someone

2) Must be okay with me using the unforgivables (and forgive me)

3) Must find a cure for Anne (or at least help me with it)

I hate that I once checked all those boxes. What a mess.

I eat dinner alone after practice, as everyone else takes too long to shower and I am starving. I am on my third pastry when a voice says, 'May I join you?'

I look up from my plate and see Garreth standing next to me.

'You want to sit at the Slytherin table? Won't you be expelled from Gryffindor for this?' I ask and offer him a seat.

Garreth sits down and fills his plate with nearly everything in his reach. 'Well, I was sent over here by a Gryffindor actually. And I am to ask you a question. It's a question I already know the answer to, but when I tell you what it is, do you swear to at least not look too shocked, disgusted, scared, or amused? While I absolutely understand your incline to feel all of those emotions, maybe even at the same time, I would appreciate no one's feelings getting hurt.'

Well, now I'm curious. 'May I ask who sent you?'


Oh God.

Part 1: He Deserved It // Sebastian Sallow x MCWhere stories live. Discover now