Part 8

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Part 8

RK spent that whole night tossing and turning on bed. He didn't sleep for a minute while Madhu slept peacefully. RK kept looking at her fighting his inner battle about to come near her or not. Whenever Madhu turned towards him in sleep and her body touched him, his heart would do somersault but his mind would stop him from holding her. He was in personal hell throughout the night. He could catch some sleep only in the early morning when his mind and heart were tired and gave up fighting as fatigue become too much to handle.

Madhu woke up at her usual time. She opened her eyes and blushed as she saw she was sleeping very close to RK. She got up and went to the bathroom to get ready and start her day. Madhu came out of the bathroom when she noticed RK has turned in his sleep and now was sleeping on his stomach. His hair was all messed up. He looked so cute like that. She couldn't control the urge to caress his hair and put them back from his face. She nervously came near him and sat on the edge of the bed. She extended her hand to touch him but then pulled it back anxiously partly because she didn't want to disturb his sleep and partly because she was afraid of his reaction. What if he would scold her for touching him like that? She would be heartbroken. She controlled her emotions and stood up but she didn't notice when in his sleep RK had put his hand on the edge of her saree pallu and as she stood up her saree pallu was pulled and slipped down revealing her cleavage behind the matching blouse. Madhu gasped and quickly tried to pull it back.

She came near the bed and tried to pull her pallu slowly without waking up RK. In the process she was almost leaning over RK. Her wet long hair touched his face and tickled him. RK opened his eyes and what he saw before him mesmerized him completely. Madhu hovering over him teasing him with her wet hair and showing off too much of her creamy skin and cleavage for his comfort. For few seconds he thought it was a wet dream as a result of long torturous last night. But when Madhu again pulled her pallu the sound of her bangles brought RK out of his trance and he became aware of this beautiful and tantalizing reality.

"I...was....I was...just...." Madhu started stammering as she noticed RK was awake now.

She pulled her pallu with jerk now as she tried to run away but RK caught her hand and looked at her intensely as if to know whats going on in her mind.

"She willingly came to you. You cant leave this chance now." His devil side groaned with passion.

"You cant take advantage of her feelings. You don't love her." angel side reprimanded.

"Don't listen to this winged man. He spoils the mood every time. Take the plunge." Devil side provoked RK as he shoot daggers at angel.

"No, control yourself. Don't listen to this corrupted horned man" Angel side fought back.

"Ok, what about a harm in just an innocent little kiss." Devil side tried to lure him again.

"But..." angel side tried to argue but devil side spoke again.

"Just a big deal. Don't worry about this angel I will take care of him." Devil threw a flaming arrow at angel and burned him to death. "Yes! No harm in just a kiss." RK repeated mentally and devil side smiled in triumph.

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