The plan

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The days following my discovery were a haze of fury and meticulous planning. Alexander's house had become my war room, each corner filled with maps, notes, and photos-an obsession with tracking Adam and Olive's every move. The betrayal festThe days following my discovery were a haze of fury and meticulous planning. Alexander's house had become my war room, each corner filled with maps, notes, and photos-an obsession with tracking Adam and Olive's every move. The betrayal festered inside me, turning my heartbreak into a cold, calculated rage.


Alexander was in the kitchen when I returned, still reeling from the sight of Adam and Olive together. His handsome face creased with concern as he saw me, tear-streaked and trembling."Celeste, what happened?" he asked, setting down the knife he was holding.I burst into tears, unable to hold it in any longer. "I'm so sorry, Alexander. I didn't know where else to go," I cried, collapsing into his arms.He held me tightly, his embrace warm and reassuring. "It's okay," he whispered. "You're safe here. Just take your time and tell me what's going on."Between sobs, I told him everything. "I just can't believe him after everything! I thought he needed space. This is worse than him having another woman. I was the other woman, Alex," I sobbed. "It sounds horrible, but... I need to make them pay."Alexander looked at me deeply with those enchanting blue eyes. "It's okay. I'm here no matter what," he said finally, his voice filled with determination."I hate asking, but can I stay a while longer while I figure things out?" I asked."Yes," he said. "But first, you need to rest and gather your strength. We'll figure out a plan together."----------The following days were a blur of plotting and surveillance. Alexander and I would sit at his kitchen table, late into the night, piecing together Adam and Olive's schedules. Every time I saw them together, it fueled my resolve. We watched them, learning their routines, their favorite spots, their secret rendezvous. Each new piece of information was a step closer to retribution. Alexander was my rock, his presence grounding me, his support unwavering.One afternoon, as we sat on his porch, I voiced my darkest thoughts. "They need to feel what I felt, Alex. The betrayal, the pain. It has to be more than just a confrontation."His eyes met mine, a silent agreement passing between us. "We need to be smart about this, Celeste. We can't just lash out. It has to be planned, precise."I nodded, feeling a twisted sense of satisfaction at the thought. "They won't see it coming."

One night, as I sat at the kitchen table, pouring over the details of our plan, Alexander walked in.

He had a questioning look on his face, a mix of concern and curiosity. He leaned against the doorway, watching me intently.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice soft but probing.I looked up, my eyes meeting his. I hesitated for a moment, then decided to lay it all out. "I'm plotting my revenge, Alex. I need to make them pay for what they did to me."He walked over and sat down across from me, his gaze never leaving mine. "Tell me everything," he said. "Maybe I can help."

For a moment, I was taken aback. "You want to help?"

He nodded, his expression serious. "Adam has hurt me too, in his own ways. And if helping you brings him down, then I'm all in."

"No Adam, I can't bring you into this." i say cautiously

"I want to help.Adam- nevermind but please, let me help you."



I felt a surge of relief and gratitude. "Alright," I said, sliding my notes towards him. "Here's what I've got so far."

We spent the rest of the night planning together, our minds and hearts united in our quest for vengeance. Alexander's insight was invaluable, his ideas sharp and devious. We became partners in crime, our bond growing stronger with each passing day.---Weeks passed, and our plan took shape. I was meticulous, ensuring every detail was perfect. The goal wasn't just to hurt them physically but to dismantle their lives, piece by piece.From the inside; but i guess some on the outside wouldn't hurt- well wouldn't hurt me atleast.

One night, I caught Adam and Olive at a secluded park. My heart pounded as I watched them from the shadows, their laughter like nails on a chalkboard. They had no idea they were being watched, no idea what was coming.

I returned to Alexander's house, adrenaline still coursing through me. "I saw them tonight, Alex. They looked so... happy. It's sickening.""We're almost ready," he replied, his voice steady. "Just a little more time."I took a deep breath, my mind racing with thoughts of the confrontation that was soon to come. "They'll pay, Alex. They'll pay for everything."As the final pieces of our plan fell into place, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The anger that had consumed me was now a cold, calculated determination. Alexander and I were ready. The night of reckoning was upon us, and there was no turning back.---

The night before the confrontation, I couldn't sleep. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, my mind replaying every lie, every betrayal. The darkness of the room mirrored the darkness in my heart. I turned over, my eyes landing on the notepad on my bedside table. I reached for it, my fingers trembling as I wrote down the final steps of our plan.

The next day, I decided to drive to the cabin where Adam had planned his so-called boys' trip once again. My heart pounded as I approached the secluded area, the trees casting long shadows in the late afternoon light. I parked my car a safe distance away and began walking towards the cabin, my footsteps silent on the forest floor.As I got closer, I heard laughter and voices. I carefully peeked through the trees and saw them-Adam and a girl, sitting on the porch of the cabin, their hands intertwined. My heart clenched at the sight. They looked so comfortable, so intimate. It was clear that this wasn't just a casual fling. They had a history, a connection that went deeper than I had realized. The following days were a blur of plotting and surveillance. Alexander and I would sit at his kitchen table, late into the night, piecing together Adam and Olive's schedules. Every time I saw them together, it fueled my resolve.

We watched them, learning their routines, their favorite spots, their secret rendezvous. Each new piece of information was a step closer to retribution. Alexander was my rock, his presence grounding me, his support unwavering.I remember when that was me.When we shared inside jokes, when we laughed.

One afternoon, as we sat on his porch, I voiced my darkest thoughts. "They need to feel what I felt, Alex. The betrayal, the pain. It has to be more than just a confrontation."His eyes met mine, a silent agreement passing between us. "We need to be smart about this, Celeste. We can't just lash out. It has to be planned, precise."I nodded, feeling a twisted sense of satisfaction at the thought. "They won't see it coming."

---Weeks passed, and our plan took shape. I was meticulous, ensuring every detail was perfect. The goal wasn't just to hurt them physically but to dismantle their lives, piece by piece.One night, I caught Adam and Olive at a secluded park. My heart pounded as I watched them from the shadows, their laughter like nails on a chalkboard. They had no idea they were being watched, no idea what was coming.I returned to Alexander's house, adrenaline still coursing through me. "I saw them tonight, Alex. They looked so... happy. It's sickening.""We're almost ready," he replied, his voice steady. "Just a little more time."I took a deep breath, my mind racing with thoughts of the confrontation that was soon to come. "They'll pay, Alex. They'll pay for everything."As the final pieces of our plan fell into place, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. The anger that had consumed me was now a cold, calculated determination. Alexander and I were ready. The night of reckoning was upon us, and there was no turning back.

----------AUTHORS NOTE----------------

Sorry for such a short chapter my bookie bears, i havent felt very inspired lately but this chapter should do.

What do we think will happen with Celeste and Alex?? What do yall think will happen with their "revenge"?? im sure all of you will enjoy the next chapter; expect it soon!!

this chapter has 1,418 words, not as much as id like but it should be good.

Happy reading ! -August Grace

ps. ive unfortunately unranked on the stalker tag so if yall could vote or any other kind of engaging it would really help me!


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