Partners in crime ?

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The days leading up to Adam's trip were a blur of anticipation and quiet tension. I found myself oscillating between feigned normalcy and the seething anger that bubbled just beneath the surface. Each morning, I went through the motions of our usual routines-waking up alone in bed, reading Adam's cheap excuses, pretending to trust him, and then at night, I lay awake, my mind racing with thoughts of his betrayal.


Adam's carefree demeanor only fueled my resolve, his obliviousness to my inner turmoil serving as a constant reminder of his deceit, his lies. By the time the night before his departure arrived, my anticipation had morphed into a steely determination. I watched him pack, my expression carefully neutral, knowing that every passing moment brought me closer to the answers I desperately needed. The goal wasn't confrontation-at least, not yet-but understanding the full extent of his lies and preparing for the inevitable reckoning. Why did he do this to me, why he's never home, who he loves more?

Adam paced the living room, his phone pressed to his ear. I watched him from the kitchen, pretending to busy myself with the dishes. He had been on the phone for the past fifteen minutes, speaking in hushed tones. I knew it was just another lie, another elaborate excuse to cover his tracks.Finally, he hung up and turned to me, a practiced smile on his face. "Hey, babe. I need to talk to you about something."I forced a smile in return. "Sure, what is it?""I'm going on a trip this weekend. It's a boys' trip to Minnesota, like we do every year. Gonna visit my family on my dad's side. You know how it is, right?""What trip?" I asked, pretending to be confused. This must be his plan to cover it all up.Adam laughed, the sound grating on my nerves. "You know, don't you? I thought I told you a few weeks ago.""Oh," I said, trying to sound convincing. "I'm sure you did then.""Awesome. I'll be leaving tomorrow, so I won't be here in the morning," he said."Okay then," I replied, biting my tongue. "Love you. I'm gonna head to bed."He smiled and walked into the bathroom to shower. I quickly fell asleep.The next morning, I woke up early and watched Adam drive away, my mind already working on my next move. Did you really think I had any intention of sitting at home, waiting for him to come back with more lies? No. Not knowing what lies ahead of me, I packed a bag and grabbed my keys to begin heading to Minnesota.----------------------------------------------Adam has a brother named Alexander whom I barely remember, but I know that maybe I could stay with him? He and Adam aren't exactly best friends despite being brothers, but that works in my favor. I could stay with Alexander while spying on Adam and Olive if he would let me. I think I have his number. I stopped the car and texted his number. I hesitated for a moment, realizing that since he doesn't like Adam, he may not like me, but as far as I remember, the last time I saw him he was kind to me. Opening my phone, I texted him.

Celeste: Hey, Alexander. It's been a while. How have you been?
Alexander: Celeste? Wow, it's been ages. I'm doing alright. How about you?Celeste: Honestly, not great. I need a place to stay for a bit. Do you think I could crash at your place? I'm driving over now.Alexander: That sounds serious. What's going on?Celeste: It's... complicated. I just need to get away for a while and clear my head.Alexander: I get that. Of course, you can stay. My place is yours for as long as you need.Celeste: Thank you, Alexander. I really appreciate it.Alexander: No problem. When are you thinking of coming over?Celeste: As soon as possible.

Alexander:All the way from Wisconsin? Celeste: Yea. I'm actually driving over there right now. Alexander: Got it. Just let me know when you're on your way, and I'll make sure everything's ready for you. Celeste: Will do. Thanks again, Alex. This means a lot to me. Alexander: Anytime, Celeste. Take care of yourself, and I'll see you soon.

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