Prologue: The Promise to a Dear Friend

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I don't own this picture. Couldn't find the original artist but was posted on Subreddit on r/OnePiece by Petah55

~10 years ago in a small village in Japan...

Quirks aren't as common in this village so swordsmanship is quite popular. Inside one of the many dojos, many students are practicing swinging techniques. A young, orphaned boy with green hair called Y/n L/n walks up proudly to the dojo.

L/n: Hey!

The young boy's call draws attention to the sensei of the dojo, Shimotsuki Koushirou.

Koushirou: I wonder who that could be...

L/n: Hey! I'm here to challenge your dojo! Someone strong, come out! Fight me!

The sensei laughs as he walks over to the boy.

Koushirou: Dojo-challenging is certainly rare these days.

L/n crosses his arms before boldly stating:

L/n: Hmph! Don't take me lightly just 'cause I'm a kid! I'm unrivaled in the next village over!

Koushirou: Very well. I accept.

The students who were practicing are now eavesdropping on the conversation happening outside.

L/n: If I win, I get your dojo!

Koushirou: -And if you lose?

L/n: T-Then, uh...I'll become a student here!

Koushirou laughs before accepting the conditions.

L/n: The conditions don't matter 'cause I don't plan on losing!

Koushirou: Now, then...Kuina!

L/n gains a look of confusion as the sensei calls out to someone. Then, a girl with short blue hair who is noticeably taller than the rest of the students in the dojo walks out.

Kuina: Yes, Father?

L/n: What!? Who is she? She doesn't look that strong. Is this guy serious?

Now outraged. L/n cries out at the sensei.

L/n: What! You're not gonna fight me?!

As Kuina starts walking over to her father, Koushirou begins to explain

Koushirou: Kuina is a girl, but she's even stronger than the adults in the dojo. I say this even as her parent....

L/n: Ugh! How good could this girl be?! Fine, I guess I'll agree to this

Kuina looks at the boy with an unamused look as L/n reluctantly agrees with the fight.

L/n: Fine!

Koushirou: Then please come inside.

They walk in and Koushirou takes L/n over to a barrel full of practice swords.

L/n: I can use any I want?

Koushirou: To your heart's content.

L/n: Hm! Alright! This girl won't know what hit her!

L/n face turns smug as he draw the amount of swords he wants from the barrel

Koushirou: All right, then! Let's begin!

L/n grabs the swords but instead of the usual one-sword style that everyone else uses, he had 9 swords total. 3 in each hand and 3 in his mouth.

L/n: Alright! Bring it on!

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