chapter four

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the next morning I was in my room till a nurse came in she told me she was going it change my bandages i didn't want to see my self with out the bandages so o asked her if I can turn on the tv to oqupy my self she nodded and I turned on a cartoon o couldn't beleave what I saw the show was called full metal alchemist and I looked carefully and I swore I saw ed but who was the person in the suit I remember seeing that same suit on dads study and I started to scream  the nurse was scare. my my heart rates was going faster I turned to her and said I need to see the hokage she noded and called the hokage office he came in 30min later I was in shock he asked me what.was wrong I pointed to the tv and said ed and al _


hokage pov.

I came in the room and the young boy  he was in shock  the only words I herd him speak was ed and al  when he pointed,towards the tv

he was crying he put his only hand in his face   I asked the boy if he wantted some freash air he turned to me and noded I turn to him  i asked him how old he was ____________________________

me pov

the.hokage turns to me amass asked me how old.  I was I told i him 10 he smiled and he whent to the nurse and said bring me a wheel chair I'm going to take the boy to get some air the nurse nodded and brought in a wheel chair and they put me in the hokage pushed me out side and the air was so refreshing like my body was  renewed we was siting in the park looking area behind the hospital and I asked him why would the white figure say its time for u to go home to konoha Evan though I never been here before  the hokage turns to me and said  that my artificial limbs were almost finished and he said we will figure out things that were happaning to me we were talking when the nurse came to us she said she has good news that my limbs are finished I asked my we procead to get .to walk and feel with my.right hand again  she smiled and noded  I the hokage and pulled a close eye smile and.then he  called me a name and said to me from now on you are my son I have the papers to adopt you if u like I noded and smiled at him and he gave Mr a name light saratobi I smiled I told him I never had a father figure before and he smiled and brought me back to my room and the nurses asked of I was ready for my new limbs I smiled and noded _____________________________________"

the next morning I woke up and o could feel my leg and my arm   and I stood out of my bed till a nurse came in and had to ruin the moment she told me to have a   seat and for me to sign the release forms I noded and sign when dad came in the hokage said light are u ready I noded and he said let's go get you some better clothing and I nodded and he asked me if I wanted to join the a acadamy and I nodded   I turned to dad to ask him a question till a little brat about 4 or 5 years old and said come on old man I want the titole of hokage  I when up to the boy and said  respect your elder u little twerp and.

I hit him on the head and a big warp came on his head  the hokage laughed ant turned to the boy konahamaru  this is your new uncle light  he is are newist member  to our family I turned to  dad so this is my nephew he noded cool I'm an uncle and I picked konahamaru up and put him on my  shoulders and he asked me to put him down and I did I turned to dad and said dose this atire purfict for school tomarow he nodded then he took me to the wepon store and a got some kunis shudikin  and a weird looking  metal that when I  thank.of any makes it   I grabedit and said ARM armar and it made armar for my ARM which was cool   dad turns and said I will get kakashi hear to teach u chakra control I noded and we went him the joys was huge  the hokage showed me were my room was and I laid my stuff on the  bed and put my wepons in the holsters and placed them on my dresser I walked to the livingroom area and dad was there with a man  with a mask and the head band covering the other eye he had gray or silver hair dad comes to me and said light this OS the man I was telling u about kakashi hatake  he will teach you how to control your chakra he lifts up his headband to reveal a weird eye he looks at me surprised and he turns to the hokage and said my chackra waves were off the charts  dad smiled and and I hugwd him then me and kakashi whent to a training grounds and hands me a peace of paper and said consintrait on your energy in your body and  make it exstind in your body into your hand.and when I did that the paper got wet cut in halved crackeld up and cought on fire then disperced in to black flames kakashi was shocked he wrote I down and said we need to tell the hokage we whent to dads office and knocked of course then I heard dad say come in kakashi opened the door and  we whent in lord hokage we were doing the ability chakra  control   stage when he said I have all chakra natures   kakashi hands me another peace and we went it side it  did the same thing again dad was saprized  I asked thin if they heard of any thang called alchemy they shook there heads they saw me grab a stick and makeing a circle on the ground then I  slaped my hands together but it  felt if I was the circle and when I touched the ground and lifted up a.drago spear apeard I was shocked I always needed a circle but now  idont I whent and grabed don grass and in my hands the grass turns to bread dad and kakashi was shocked as of they never seen an alchemist before  I was shocked too I thought I needed the circle and my head started hurting and I rememberd the white man said he would teach me every thing about alchemy and then I woke up in the hospital  I turned to dad and told him what I saw and he.said let's go home and make a.good meal to eat o nodded and said goodbye to kakashi and whent made homemade raman that night I never had raman before it was  delicious and. asked him were the acadamy was.he said he will take me tomarow I noded and continued to eat dad was saprized of how much I could eat he said I reminded him of a boy in  the villege the boys name was naruto he the same age as me.and  I kinda reminded me.of his parents

he looked at me and said may I et a sms test of u don't mind I noded and we went to the hospital the nurse drew don of my blood and  compaird it to narutos  the nurse said the results will be in tomarrow.

we noded.and left

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