chapter 15

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Minito p.o.v

I woke up the next morning and naruto was up with a Raman cup and he handed one to me and we started to eat by the time we was done I got up and Headed to baachan office I knocked and I heard enter so I did and set down own the couch and pored me some sake and then shuzunai came in with a said note from suna I got up and walked over to her and asked her what was wrong

she handed me the note and it said lady hokage we a re in trouble lord gara our kazakage has been taken by the s rank criminals known as the akastuski we need help

I turn to ba Chan and said don't tell naruto and as a jinchutiki I can't allow you two to go under stand send me a gennin team at once lady homage the only gennin team is kakashi team 7 I turn to baachan and said since they don't know that I'm a jinchutiki of the ten tails I could get gara back be for they can exstrack shukaku she hooded and naruto came running in saying can I get a mission now baachan then before u know it the letter was snatched out of my hand naruto give it back and before I could grab it he said I have to save gara

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