Author's Note

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Hey guys,

This note is for any existing readers I have out there (and I don't think there's many, if any, but oh well).

I don't know if chapter edits show up as an update, so I don't know if you'll have seen the one on the first chapter.

Basically, I'm really not happy with the the way I've written the story so far. I like the plot, but I think I'm getting to places far too quickly when I'd rather take my time and make this a full-length kind of thing.

So I'm doing a full rewrite of what I've got so far.

As I say, I don't know if edits pop up for you guys (it'd be great if someone messaged me to tell me, thanks) but I'll put up an author's note whenever I post an edit.

This does mean that you won't be getting any more plot for a long while, but it'll hopefully be worth the wait.

Please be patient! I have a lot on at the minute and I'm doing my best to write at the same time. (Now I sound like I'm moaning. I'm not. It's just, you know. Don't want to get lynched or something :P)

Love you all,



A quick update:

I am now in the process of editing my new chapter one, so that should be up very soon.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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