The Beginning

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I shall never forget what I saw there. Tutis was still in the change sleep, but something had obviously gone horribly wrong. He was as still and as pale as a corpse. In fact, had I not known better, I would have assumed he was dead. But I knew he was still deep within the change and, without my help, he would stay there forever.

Not to my surprise, another silens was there. Someone who I had only met once, yet found myself drawn to him. It was obvious he worried about Tutis; he too had felt drawn to me, and feared what it would do to me if Tutis died.


In my mind, it all made sense. A mysterious link, stemming from only one encounter. His calm and gentle persona, that fitted with an air bearer. I knew it was Oratus.

“Oratus, can you do something for me?” I asked.


“Show me your palms.”

Reluctantly, he turned his hands to face me. There, coiling on his palms, were yellow markings. Identical to mine.

I turned my hands to face him, and his expression turned to wonder as he saw the green version of his markings on my hands. Quickly, I explained the legend to him, and what was happening to Tutis.

“Please,” I begged him, “You have to help us.”

“Very well,” he replied, “But let me first return to my father, to tell him where we are going. I will also get certain things that shall help us.”

“Fine,” Silensunus told him, “I’ll go back to my place to get some weapons. I’ll meet you back here in ten minutes.”

With that, they both turned and ran out into the sunlight.

I turned to Tutis’ still form, and I wondered. Slowly, carefully, I turned his hand over so the palm was facing up.

And I saw, even though the change was incomplete, the blue swirls decorating his palm.

Suddenly, I was desperate for him to be well again. I couldn’t stand it if he ended up like Aqua, from the legend. My desperation turned to anger, then fear, then despair.

Then I noticed the vines.

They were creeping through the door, towards Tutis and me. They picked Tutis up, and set about making him more comfortable. I looked away for a second, and noticed my marks glowing brighter than ever before. With a jolt, I realised I was doing this. It was me, comforting Tutis! And then the earth was speaking to me, whispering.

“Do not be afraid.”

“We are here to help you.”

“We will keep your brother safe as long as you need us to.”

“We will protect him until you return.”

The whispers suddenly stopped, and everything was back to normal. Well, almost. Only I could see the vines hiding in the corners of the room, sneaking through the gaps in the floorboards. I could see, because I put it there.

When Silensunus and Oratus returned, I told them what had happened.

“All you have to do is will something to happen, and your power will help you!” I finished.

We hurried outside and practised, until Oratus could pull gusts of wind out of the thin air and Silensunus could make trees burst into flame.

We knew it was time to leave.

I unrolled the scroll.

“We need to find the skin of the Jacalus, which hides in a cave near to the Witness Tribe. That’s the tribe that witnessed the Elementals' downfall, isn’t it?”

“How appropriate,” muttered Silensunus to herself, “What’s a Jacalus?”

“A Jacalus is a winged creature that breathes fire.” Oratus told her.

“Oh, that’s just great. So we need to get the skin of a dragon, and no water bearer to put out the fire. Absolutely brilliant.” moaned Silensunus

“Yep. Although, we have got a fire bearer,” I replied, “Fight fire with fire, as they say!”

Silensunus gave me a look.

So we set off in search of the Jacalus, to get his skin.

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