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TW: Blood, non-graphicly-described injury, fear of being kidnapped, implied experimentation, shock collar, Mentions of war, and overall Danny Phantom angst! Have fun

Smokescreen: McLaren MP4-12C Sports Car

Danny: 15-year-old half-dead traumatized dumbass

Cybertonian lingo Translations at the end


This was not how Smokescreen was expecting his night to go. All he wanted was a nice drive, to stretch his wheels and maybe go way over the speed limit (don't tell Prime). Speed limits were silly anyway: if humans didn't want him going that fast they shouldn't have designed his vehicle mode with the ability to go 200mph. But who cares about that out in the middle of nowhere anyway? He hadn't seen another vehicle in hours.

It was supposed to be a quiet night for him! No reprimanding by Optimus or any of the other bots who thought they were so much better than him, no aggravating wailing of Miko's guitar, no constant feeling of being cramped in his too-small room that's made smaller still by the fact that it is underground.

But either way, he's getting ahead of himself. After a bit longer of a drive and getting sucked into his thoughts, he heard a strange noise above him. Suddenly, a bright spotlight appeared and then another, shining over the arid wasteland that was this part of the planet. After a quick glance up, the racecar could see that it was a solid white helicopter. Strange color to be using in the middle of the night if you don't want attention. But Smokescreen didn't think that secrecy was what these guys were going for.

With the unfortunate realization that these guys might be cops or another variation of human authority, Smokescreen reluctantly slowed down to a more acceptable human speed limit. Then he saw another helicopter and then a large white truck pulling up behind him that he hadn't even noticed before. If these guys meant to be subtle they were failing miserably. "Who are these glitches?" He muttered under his breath, headlights flickering with the words.

Suddenly Smokey felt a prang in his frame. Were these humans after him? No... They had to have just accidentally intercepted him on their way to something. Something like... he glanced up — there was a truck stop only a little ways in front of him. Maybe if he pulled off there he would be able to tell if these humans were really after him or something else.

He pulled into the small pit stop for humans on long journeys. A place where they could buy food for themselves and fuel for their vehicles. He silently slid into a parking lot of some kind next to a small convenience store and shut off his lights. Waiting. The truck that was tailing him sailed right by and the helicopter continued doing its scouting. He let out a vent of relief.

He was about to turn his engine back on when suddenly a very bright human? Crashed into his door. Well, not crashed. More like went through his door. It was like the human had a phase shifter and could go through solid matter. Smokescreen's indoor lights flickered in surprise as he studied the human. They had white hair and green eyes and most importantly, didn't look too good.

He — the human appeared male with reference to Smokescreen's research — was curling into himself down on the cybertronian's floor mats on the passenger side. The back of his head thumped against the door as he leaned it back to look up at the roof. He was panting hard, similar to when he had seen Miko running for her life after she came out of hiding just to insult a con.

The human was holding an arm across his chest, trying to stop what Smokescreen could only describe as glowing green energon, or, he guessed, humans called it blood, but he had certainly never heard of it being that color before. The kid was coated in it though — it almost seemed like there was more on him than in him.

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