(2) Take it off

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When a girl in her friend group starts bringing her new boyfriend around, Taylor finds herself infatuated with him. It doesn't take long before they become friends. However the more she gets to know him, the more she wants him. So she decides to come up with the perfect plan to get his attention.

Just because here's a visual aid

Just because here's a visual aid

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This is The Dress...because honestly this one had me gagged lol

Taylor's POV

When Kayla told me that she started seeing a new guy and she wanted to start bringing him around I was bit hesitant at first. Honestly I wasn't even sure how I truly felt about Kayla, she was a friend of Selena who somehow managed to worm her way into her friend group. She was loud and kind of rude, not normally the kind of person I would want to be friends with. Selena originally brought her along after she met her while doing a campaign for her makeup line, Kayla was social media influencer Or something. Either after that day she was just always around. I found her pretty obnoxious, everything has it to be documented, she feels the need to take pictures of every single thing we do.

Finally I relented after a couple of days of whining finally agreeing to let her bring her boyfriend, mostly just to shut her up. Honestly I kinda feel bad for the poor guy who has to put up with her.

What I wasn't expecting was the man who walked in the room with Kayla the next day be so breathtakingly gorgeous. He was tall, like really tall I would guess 6'5 maybe 6'6, he had dark hair with a neatly trimmed beard. Oh and don't get me started on this man's arms, I could probably write sonnets about them. Truthfully my first thought is how did this man end up with someone like her.

"This is my boyfriend Travis Kelce, he's the tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs!" Kayla braggs. Travis just shrugs bashfully then looks at me giving me what I could only describe as a panty dropping smile. "Hi! it's so nice to meet you finally! I'm not going to lie I'm a little starstruck, I can't believe I'm in a room with Taylor Swift!" Travis says holds out his hand I assume to shake mine, but when I reach out he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. I can feel my cheeks turn red and I giggle like a teenage girl. God this man or something else. Of course this pisses Kayla off, so she grabs his hand pulls him into the kitchen. Unfortunately we could all still hear her yell at him, making me feel pretty guilty for getting him in trouble.

  However later that evening before they left he came up to me and said "look don't feel bad about the whole thing earlier, honestly it was worth it" then he winks making me blush again. "Oh you're smooth mister" I tell him. He just laughs "well I'm glad you think so... I guess I should get going though, Kayla's waiting in the car" he tells me but before he leaves he pulls me in for a hug, he smells absolutely amazing and I melt into it a little. "It was an absolute pleasure to meet you Taylor" he says in soft voice as he lets me go. "Believe me the pleasure was all mine, hope to see you around soon. Have a good night Travis" he waves and gives me dazzling smile as he leaves.

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