Chapter 4| Falling For The Villain

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This is her pajamas

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This is her pajamas

I lay in bed thinking about everything that had happened today my eyes started to close but after an image of a boy with white hair came into view I shot up from my laying position to sit up I looked around in panic wondering if the villain kids would be back from their heist not wanting anyone to hear my thoughts right now.

"you're just standing on the clasp of what's okay."I sang getting up from my bed and pacing around seeing one of my bookshelves full of love stories and my eyes widened again in panic." not morally grey, textbook insane. Now I'd like to draw this line you've crossed so many times. At this point, I'm out of my mind. What is the point in loving someone morally confusing?"I sang asking myself if it was actually love or just a silly crush.

"It's not likely. It's so unlike me. Oh, oh, Oh can't shake this feeling. Cause ICausek, I'm falling for the villain. and it's not looking like a good decision.oh-oh-oh-oh-oh."I said putting on a skirt and sweatshirt to head down to the kitchen which the girls found earlier today to bake some cookies it wasn't random of me whenever I was having rough thoughts me and my mother would bake together normally it was cookies or small cakes that make you grow taller.

"and I try so hard to understand this."I sang walking down the halls." and you won't attempt to reprimand it. Should I sit take it in, and let it all unfold? Or just say no? oh-oh-oh-oh-oh."I sang pushing the kitchen doors open and getting the stuff to make the cookie dough and of course the secret ingredient to make everyone love cookies chocolate chips.

"I know we can't pick and choose. I might just fall for you. It's not all win or lose no black and white. This is too. And I Know how bad this sounds. But thButilence is too damn loud. guess you're not that bad did I say that?"I sang stopping myself from mixing once I realized what I said I hardly knew this kid but I couldn't help it.

"what's the point in loving someone morally confusing? It's not likely. It's so unlike me. Oh, oh oh I can't shake this feeling. Cause Causenk, I'm falling for the villain." little did I know that after the heist the villains all got hungry and decided to go to the kitchen to get food when they heard me singing and couldn't help themselves other than to listen but they didn't expect to hear this." and it's not looking like a good decision.oh-oh-oh-oh-oh."

"and I try so hard to understand this. And you won't attempt to reprimand it. Should should, take it in, let it all unfold? Or just say no? Should I say no? Should I say no? Can't say no. I can't say no." I said admitting my feelings but never daring to say his name." oh, oh, I can't shake this feeling. Cause I think, I'm falling for the villain. And it's not looking like a good decision. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh." Carlos looked at me through the pots and pans on the shelf trying to figure out which one she liked if they were hear for the first part of the song they would know exactly who it is.

"and I try so hard to understand this. And you won't attempt to reprimand it. Should, take it in, and let it all unfold? Oh, oh oh I can't shake this feeling. Cause, I'm falling for the villain, and it's a really, really bad decision. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh "All I could think was what was my mom going to think of this?

"and I try so hard to understand this. And you won't attempt to reprimand it. Should I sit take it in, and let it all unfold? Should I sit take it in, and let it all unfold? Should I sit take it in, and let it all unfold? I can't say no."I finally decided while finally finishing the cookie dough.

I did realize tears were running down my face until one fell into the cookie I took a deep breath and continued to troll them into balls and place them on the cookie sheet.

I hummed the song I just made up out loud when Evie and Mal walked in suddenly I pulled up my hoodie and whipped the tears from my face." hey we just came in here for some snacks we can't be long cause the boys are outside waiting."evie said putting a hand on my shoulder my eyes widened, boys as in Carlos?

I stopped humming and I put the sheet in the oven.

The give left after a while and I just waited for my cookies to be done finally the timer dinged and it was time.

I took them out and they looked amazing I filled up a bowl with them and walked back down the girl's dorm hall.

I knocked on Mal and Evie's dorm room door.

Evie eyed it and I saw all of the villain kids and my eyes widened slightly catching the eyes of Carlos I looked down then back up at Evie.

"I was just wondering if you all wanted a cookie they're chocolate chip."I smiled trying to be as calm as I could.

"oh those look amazing, and come in we want to meet you meet you we don't even know your name," Evie said pulling me inside and over to her bed with her.

"um, my name is Alexandra but everyone in Wonderland called me Alex, "I said looking down at the bowl and picking up a cookie and eating it.

"It's nice to meet you, Alex, what do you mean by everyone did everyone know you?" Mal questioned and I nodded.

"yeah, I mean being the daughter of Alice Wonderland will do that, and having Alister as a brother," I said rolling my eyes.

"I didn't know you were her daughter I knew Audrey said something but no one was paying attention to what she was saying," Carlos said and we all laughed at what he said.

"yeah, she seems like a lot to handle."I sighed knowing that she was going to want to become besties with me because of my brother and my mom.

"yeah, she does, who were your friends that you were with," Evie asked and I smiled feeling more comfortable with the group but whenever my eyes met Carlos's that feeling changed fast.

"um, the one in red and black with the red and black hair, that's Lizzie, Lizzie Heart, the daughter of the queen of hearts but she is still our best friend. the one with colorful hair is Madelyn Hatter she is my half-sister cause her father and my mother are kind of dating I mean I could see it since I was a toddler and was introduced to the mad hatter and his daughter but my mom always tried to convince me they were just friends."I said shaking my head and they all laughed.

"so does that mean you are good at that kind of thing?" Evie asked and I looked rather confused.

"What kind of thing?"I asked her and she smiled at me.

"relationships seeing if people are good together," she said and I smiled.

"yeah I always have been but Lizzie is better than me at it she normally just tries to pair me with people it's rather stupid, to be honest," I said and this was true she was always trying to get me with people in wonderland like Chase that's another story for another day.

I looked at the watch inside my pocket and saw it was 12 which meant it was late and I needed to get some sleep." crap I have to go its late."I said holding the watch in my hand while reading it.

Evie looked over my shoulder."how do you even read that?" she asked.

"When you spend time around the white rabbit and then get gifted his magic watch you learn how to read it especially if you live in Wonderland and are as mad as a hatter," I smirked standing up grabbing my bowl, and walking out of the room.

I walked into my room I don't know how time went by so fast but it seemed like I had a new group of friends and I liked them they're all nice even though they were villain kids.

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