Quidditch & Companions

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Jake's POV

The very next morning, I felt for Harry. Today, he'd be playing his first match for Gryffindor against Slytherin, and the guy was crapping brick it right now. Not that I'd blame him, obviously. I sat next to Harry, who was playing around with his food instead of eating it, while Daphne sat in between Hermione and Ron. A lot of Gryffindors and Slytherins gave her dirty looks, but she didn't care. Plus, the glares I gave them was enough to shut them up.

Ron: Here, take a bit of toast mate. Go on.

Harry: I'm nor really hungry.

Jake: Harry, you better eat, otherwise the closest you'll get to flying is me chucking you into a bowl of corn flakes.

Daphne smacked Jake's arm.

Jake: Ow.

Daphne: Behave, Jake. (turns to Harry) He's right, though, Potter. You'll need your strength if you want to beat Slytherin.

Hermione: I thought you'd be cheering for Slytherin, since they're your house.

Daphne: I also want them to get knocked off their bloody high horse every once in a while. Merlin knows their massive egos need to be deflated.

This brought a chuckle out of the boys and Hermione. Then I saw Snape approaching the table, and so did the others.

Snape: Good luck today, Potter. Then again, now that you have proved yourself against a troll, surely a little game of quidditch should be easy for you, even if it is against... Slytherin.

Daphne rolled her eyes, and Snape must've noticed her presence.

Snape: And what are you doing sitting with the Gryffindors, Ms. Greengrass?

Daphne: I'm sitting with my friends, Professor. Last I checked, there's no rule that say I can't.

Snape narrowed his eyes at Daphne before limping away.

Harry: That explains the blood.

Hermione & Daphne: Blood?

Jake: Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a distraction so he could try and get past the three-headed dog. But he must've gotten too close and got himself bit, that why's he's limping.

Daphne: That's a solid theory. But what would Snape so desperately want that he'd willingly risk getting anywhere near the bloody Hound of Hades?

Harry: The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts business, very secret.

Jake: Wait...Didn't someone break into Gringotts the day before we came to Hogwarts?

Daphne: Yeah, but nothing was stolen...So that means...

Harry: That whatever was in that vault at Gringotts is the one the dog is guarding. That's what Snape wants.

The five of us looked at one another with a mixture of curiosity and fear. Before we could do anything else, two screeches were heard as Hedwig, Harry's owl, approached our table carrying an oddly shaped package.

Hermione: It's a bit early for mail, isn't it?

Harry: (shocked) But I-I never get mail.

Ron: Let's open them.

We all started to open the package wrapped in brown paper. Once unwrapped we were met with a broomstick. sleek and shiny, with a mahogany handle, it had a long tail of neat, straight twigs and lettering written in gold near the top.

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