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the ravenette studied the black card in his left hand. soon leaning his head against the car seat. I should get groceries after this " we're here sir " takemichi snapped out of his trance at the driver's sudden voice. " thank you, keep the change. " he smiled softly, handing the cash as he stepped out of the taxi.

" what in the. . " takemichi murmured to himself in disbelief. as he stared up at the immense building Infront of him. this literally looks like a hotel??

as he walked inside, he was instantly met with intense stares from the other bystanders who were wearing fancy attires. seriously? takemichi gripped his jacket in response. not caring but at the same had an awkward expression on his face." excuse me? " he greeted, approaching the front desk.

the male receptionist wearing a black polo shirt, stared up at him with a welcoming smile. " greetings, may I help you? " they asked, with a gentle tone. the raven nodded, " yes, I'm visiting someone who apparently lives here. " he explained.

the receptionist only stared at him blanky, and somewhat confused. " pardon me sir, but no one lives here. " takemichi's brows raised in confusion as well, as they both exchanged glances for a few seconds.

" the only people who are allowed to stay in the building, are the owners. " the man explained further. takemichi let out a hum in response. lowering his head slightly, " apologies, I probably just got the addresses mixed up. thank you anyway. "

the ravenette reached for the back of his neck, scratching it. turning around, heading back towards the grand exit. " . .but im sure this is the same address " he murmured, glancing at his phone for confirmation.

takemichi eyes widened slightly, as he accidentally bumped into someone. " I'm sorry, are you alright? " he mumbled, facing the person he had brushed upon.

a man towered over him, the ravenette noticed a scar slightly positioned on their eye. " aren't you hanagaki? " he mentioned a cigarette hanging in the corner of his mouth.

" yes?. " he replied, his eyebrows instinctively furrowing. the male gave him a quick nod, " what's your business here? " the raven contemplated before reaching for the platinum card in his pocket, showing it to him." I'm looking for ran, if you know him? " he uttered, scratching the side of his cheek.

" I can't seem to find him " takemichi continued.

the tall male narrowed his eyes, " you have, he's in there. " takemichi watched as the man's finger pointed towards the building he had literally just exited. " oh? but the staff said only the owners are allowed in that building though? " takemichi turned his head the other way, as the smoke was bothering him.

Akashi exhaled quietly, eyeing him. taking the cigarette out of his mouth, dropping it as he stomped on it firmly. " exactly, he's one of the owners. like me. " he retorted.

takemichi stood still, as the elevator began to move. oddly enough, he never considered that ran could possibly be an owner. a sheepish smile at the thought. he stared at the male beside him out of the corner of his eye. " what's your name? " he asked.

" akashi takeomi " akashi answered, giving takemichi a small smile. different from his stern presence earlier. a warm smile also tugged on the raven's lips, " thank you by the way, I was really confused earlier" he admitted, a soft chuckle leaving him afterwards.

akashi shook his head, " you're good, I understand " takemichi's gaze soon flickered towards the elevator doors slowly parting open. akashi stuffed his hands in his pockets, gesturing takemichi to follow him.

entering the highest floor, the raven figured it was a damn penthouse. they arrived at a massive grey door, as akashi typed in the password, a following beeping sound followed. in result the door unlocked. takemichi's eyes roamed at the place, his face beaming in admiration.

a small grin creeped in akashi's lips out of amusement, at the short males reaction. " we haven't even got to the best part yet " he hummed playfully. " really? " takemichi turned his head towards him, his voice laced with curiosity. the tall male held in a chuckle, at the short male's unexpected investment. " want me to tour you around? "

" it's fine . . " hanagaki blinked multiple times at the male's large hand suddenly but not roughly landing on his head, fingers ruffling his black hair gently. takemichi's mouth was agape " what are you doing― he trailed off, as someone clearing their throat in the background, interrupts. " I'm sure ako yung nag invite sakanya dito. "

the one who invited him here.

the duo soon glanced at a purple head. who was leaning against the wall, gawking at them intensely with dark purple eyes. a vein present on the side of his neck. " so why does it seem Im the one disturbing something? " he raised a brow, his voice laced with sarcasm and irritation.

aaaaa, 🙇


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