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There was sounds of something crunching from the distance

"Uh??.." an inkling male heard the sounds from an alleyway near him where he was it was a ragged area broken cars and glass windows crushed open as the inkling was walking around the noise stopped "is anyone t-there??" The inkling slowly grabbing his gun from his pocket the sound of crunching was getting closer to him "??!!??"the inkling male quickly grabbed his gun from his pocket as he heard the sound coming closer "w-who ever is over there s-speak!" He yelled out and was pointing his gun at where the sound was heard "I don't want to use this ya hear!!" As the inkling spoke he now had is guard up and suddenly he sees someone "ughh??!" He saw an inkling male coming out from the alleyway and sees the inkling "..." he was covered in blood all over his red zekko jacket "h-hey are you ok??!" The inkling male now puts his guard down now and sprints towards him "sir you're hurt!!" He saw the inkling's arm wounded and his legs too "we need to take you to the hospital!" He yelled out and had his hands on his shoulders "..." the inkling male didn't speak his eyes where pale white and felt the palms of the hands of the inkling "can you hear me s-" as the inkling was about to speak he heard a squelching noise "auh?" he slowly looks behind the inkling male's bowlcut head there was a octo tentacle like parasite wiggling around and stopped "????!!" As the parasite stopped wiggling the inkling male slowly looks at the inkling and grabs him by the neck "AUGHH!!!" the inkling was now grabbed by the inkling male's hand his skin was cold "...." the palm of the hand of the inkling starts to squeeze the guy "Aughhh!!!!" The inkling male couldn't breathe and tried to get his gun again till suddenly he looked at the inkling "..." his eyes where soulless no emotion nothing his face had spill of dried blood in his mouth "AUGHHUH!! ACCKK!! "the inkling was gasping for air and now got his gun till suddenly he sees the inkling's face again he was looking at his gun "AUHKKK!!" He lifted the gun at his face and shoots him


"AUHKK COUGHH COUCHH UGHH!!" The inkling was dropped down from the inkling male he slowly looked up if he got him "AUGHH???!"

sounds of little screeching was heard it was the inkling male

"..." the sounds was his bullet shot head wound from his forehead he had no emotion of pain nothing but his forehead was screeching he was looking down on the ground while standing. The parasite tentacle was wiggling around fast and suddenly stopped "..." the inkling male slowly looks up at the inkling on the ground his forehead wound quickly heals up there was a spill of blood from his head dropped.

"Aughhh.?!!" the inkling grabbed his gun again but it wa out of ammo "shit!!" He slowly tries to get up but suddenly gets caught by the inkling male

"aghhhh!!!" He was now punching him to get him off.

As he was punching him suddenly there was a silent noise of a stab "UGH?!!" the inkling's heart was stabbed he slowly looks down he saw the inkling's chest of his mutated looking like a knife made out of hard cartilage "ughhnn.." He slowly looks back at him he sees the inkling's face looking at him menacingly no emotion but he was smiling creepy with his white pale eyes of his "w-whattt.. are... y-you.." the inkling faintly spoke.

"..." he didn't respond but he was smiling and chuckled a bit but his chuckle didn't sound like a chuckle more like a person coughing mucus and there was blood from his last meal coughing out and spilling on the inkling his cartilage knife chest thing he had mutated back as his skin and his jaw of his now opens wide showing his teeth and bites the chest of the inkling and eating his skin bit by bit and the tentacle was wiggling around and around signaling it's excited.

as he ate the inkling's chest he lifted his head up his face was full of blood and now ate his heart he smiled and the parasite stopped wiggling in excitement

"..." he stopped smiling his tentacle points upward signaling someone was watching him he quickly runs off away and left the dead body on the ground.

"HEY WHOS OVER THERE!!!" The person yelled out and saw the inkling's figure ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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