Sparks will fly

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Danny's POV
The next day,I walk Zahra to school. As we trudge down the sidewalk,I ask "Are you sure you want to do this?" She stops and looks at me."Yes Danny. I do want to do this. I told you I don't care what other people think,I do my own thing anyway."she answers. I smile.

We arrive and of course,people stare and hoot as we walk to the front steps of the building where everyone hangs."I'll see you in first period."I tell her and walk off to Sam. I look back to see her talking to some of her friends. I smile softly. At least some of her friends were accepting.

"Danny!"Sam exclaims. I turn to see excitement just oozing out of him."Why didn't you tell me you were with Zahra?!" He asks."Well,I'm not exactly. We're friends,but I'm not doing anything with her."I answer nervously."Hey Danny."my other friend says behind me. I turn around to see my four other friends, Ashlyn,Ashton,Rose,and Jake."Is the rumor about you and Zahra true?"Rose asks,flipping her dark red hair over her shoulder."Not exactly. We're friends,but I haven't done anything with her,nor do I plan to."I answer. They all nod in understanding."Well just know that we accept whoever you date."Ashlyn joins in. I give them a small smile. The bell rings and I walk off to first period.

Zahra's POV
Later,after first and second period,I have to take a rather long walk to my third period,Science. Usually I would complain about it,but ever since I became friends with Danny,it hasn't been as much of a problem since we share the class together. Soon the halls are empty and I rush to get to class before the bell rings.

I'm only one hallway away from class until I feel someone grab the back of my shirt and stop me. I yank back into the person and they hold me tight."Let me go!"I say,struggling."So you datin' white boys now?"the deep voice asks. I can recognize that voice from anywhere. It was my ex, Sean.

"No, I'm just friends with one."I say. "Liar!"he says and hits me hard. I wheeze,the wind being knocked out of me."Please let me go."I whisper."Not until you tell me truth! You are dating a white boy aren't you,you worthless piece of trash!"he exclaims. I elbow him hard in an attempt to get free. He yelps and shoves me hard into some lockers. I purposely try to make as much noise as I possibly can,desperate for someone to hear me."Shut up!"he says,venom in his voice. He starts to drag me towards a janitor's closet."I'll teach you who only gets you!"he says,dragging me. I scratch at the floor,my hair flipping everywhere."Hel-" Sean puts duct tape over my mouth before I can cry out. I bang on the floor,tears pooling down my face.

Danny's POV
I rush to class,knowing I'm late. Just as I shut my locker and get ready to head to class,I hear a loud bang and a moan. Usually I would ignore it and head to class,but I had a bad feeling about this. I walk around the corner to see a Sean,a jock,dragging Zahra towards a janitor's closet.

"Zahra!"I shout. I run up to the jock and push him."Get off of her!"I shout."Or else what? What can you do to me,cracker? I'm bigger than you,taller,and stronger."he growls,towering over me. At first I'm nervous,but then I see Zatara cowering in a corner with duct tape over her mouth. Anger fills my veins and I'm no longer scared."Or else this!"I exclaim and punch him.

We start fighting,banging into doors and lockers hitting everywhere. Teachers and students pour out their classes to see what the fuss is. I continue to hit him as students howl. Then everything seems to slow down. I finally realize that this is my first fight and I may or may not loose. I, Danny Carter,am fighting. Fighting for Zahra.

Time then goes back to normal and I continue fighting. After what seemed like forever,I do a final blow to Sean's jaw,and he knocks out. All the students scream and howl. I look down at my hand to see it bleeding,panting heavily. I can't believe I actually did that. Before I can even see Zahra ,two male teachers quickly escort me towards the office and I black out in the middle of the hall.

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