Its stitched into the stars

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Danny's POV
A few days later, when Zahra is ready to come back to school and my suspension is up, I walk Zahra to class. "You sure you'll be okay?"I ask. "Of course! Sean is expelled, I feel safe, and.." She leans in close to me, so close, that our lips brush against each other. "I have you."she whispers and gives me a small peck. I get sort of disappointed when she pulls away, but there's a time and place for everything. We're still close."Well," she starts,letting out a breath."we'd better get to class." I give a small smile and nod. We both then head off to our classes.

After school, I walk Zahra home,thinking of the day. Everyone seemed so nice, so polite, so...accepting. It's sort of weird, not having people ignore me and walk over me. It feels empowering and it makes me so happy. I finally feel confident in myself, and it's all because the the amazing girl walking in front of me. I suddenly feel weight on my back. I look over my shoulder to see Zahra. "Piggy back ride?" She asks, making a cute face. I laugh and kiss her nose. I hoist her up onto my back and we laugh and kiss and play around on our way home.

"I love you so much Danny." Say says, our eyes locking. I feel hypnotized by her universe filled eyes."I love you to." I say and kiss her with all my love and passion. I know Zahra is the girl I'm going to spend my life with. I guarantee it.

Author's notes: (Edit 7/4/16 - THANK GOD THIS WAS THE LAST CHAPTER. No more cringing! I seriously can't believe how trashy I used to write! I left so much confusion, you guys can bet I'm never writing a love story like this again, lmao. But seriously, I am truly thankful for you all reading, Love you guys!)
Well this is officially the last chapter. I really hope you all enjoyed my story because I worked really hard on it. I'm especially glad to all the people who put up with my long writer blocks and stuck to the story. Once again, thanks for reading so vote, read, comment and follow. Love you! ~Brooklyndiva02

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