[ 🍨 ] • Bedtime.

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[ 🍨 ] BEDTIME [ 🍨 ]

[ A Medkit & Child! Reader ]

[ Strictly Platonic ]

"Alright, it's bedtime." Medkit said. He walked up [Y/N], who was almost falling asleep while drawing. He gently picked them up and took the crayon from their hand, making them whine in annoyance. "I know, I know. But it's time for bed.." He placed the crayon next to the paper and turned the TV off.

Medkit took them to the bathroom and placed them down. He took their [F/C] toothbrush and put toothpaste on it.

He handed it to [Y/N] and softly ruffled their head, making them let out and giggle, and they tiredly let out a giggle. After a few minutes, they got on the step stool and cleaned the foam from their mouth. They placed the toothbrush down and turned to Medkit, reaching their hands up. He picked them up once again and softly petted their head.

"Do you know what tomorrow is?" He asked, placing them down on their bed. "My birthday.." They responded. He let out an approving hum and lifted the covers over them. Medkit gave them a small kiss on the forehead. He got up, but before he could go any further, [Y/N] grabbed his hand. He looked at them, raising an eyebrow. "Can you stay for a little bit?.."

"Yes, I will." He said. This made them smile. They moved so Medkit had enough space. He laid right next to them. They got cuddled up to him.

They both laid in silence for a while. "Could you read me a bedtime story?.." [Y/N] asked. Medkit softly sighed and thought of a story. Once he had an idea, he cleared his throat. "Once upon time, there was very.. bad demon." They looked up at him, listening to him tell the story. "He has been caught multiple times and released.. multiple times.." [Y/N] took the hint of who Medkit was describing.

"And then one day he's caught again.. and no one bails him out this time.." This made them let out a small giggle. "You're just describing Broker, dad!" He gave them a small smile. The two laid in silence once more, after a good 15 minutes, little snores emitted from [Y/N]. He slowly got off their hug and placed their favorite plush in their arms, which they immediately hugged. He fixed the blanket and turned on their night light. Medkit walked up to the door and looked back at them for a while, his eye softening. He left the room and slowly cracked it.

He went over the coffee table and cleaned the up the mess around it.

He looked at the drawing and picked it up. A smile showed on his face once more, a little drawing of him and [Y/N]. He went over to the kitchen and grabbed a magnet, and placed the drawing on the fridge. He let out a small sigh before turning off the kitchen light and heading to bed.

The only thing on his mind was his precious child.

The only reason and light that emits in his world.

The only reason and light that emits in his world

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