2 = Down Low 🩼🤕

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It's the next morning and I wake up to me and Katie snuggled up, nice and tight. The icepack still wrapped around my leg barely because Katie has her leg hooked over mine trying to get as close as possible. We have an earlier start today because we are training full out on the fields, we still start with gym though. I turn to face Katie to try and wake her up (she hates waking up). "Katie sweetheart. We have training earlier today because we that game later this week." Katie just groans. "5 more minutes". "Okay, but then we get up for breakfast.

10 minuts pass then I finally call it. "Right up we get." Katie groans again. "C'mon Kate." "I'm coming. I'm coming." I get up, go downstairs and start to get breakfast done. Katie comes down not too far behind with her hairbrush and hairspray.

We finally leave the house and get in the car, I drive because Katie is still fixing her hair and stuff. "So Caitlin, how is your leg feeling?" I actually haven't thought about it this morning. "It actually feels perfectly fine. I don't know what happened yesterday." "Okay".

*they reach the club*


We reach the club go straight to our lockers, and meet everyone else. Jonas called for a meeting today to go over what will happen on Saturday at the game. "Right every one, this is the starting line up and this is the formation. Any problems?" Everybody shakes they're heads. "Okay, thank you. You can now head to gym." We all slowly disperse and head to our daily exercises. I mainly am doing bicep and ankle exercises because of my torn ligament I try to keep the muscle strong and for my ankles they constantly get bashed so also just trying to get them strong.

Cait however, does a lot of leg and hamsting exercises, I believe this is to help her hamstring not tearing so much.

I was on my gap between sets and I look over to Cait, who seems again to be wincing. I don't think anything of it as she has just finished all her sets. I just finish mine before we go out to do some drills.

As we are walking out I catch up to Cait, which wasn't that hard to do because she was walking so slow. "Hey darlin' you, okay?" "I think so. I'm a bit sore but I think that just because its cold and I haven't fully warmed up yet." I nod as she speaks. "Okay, please don't over push yourself as we don't want any tears od injuries." She nods and then run over to catch up with the rest of the group.

We start with just some running drills to get warm up then break down into groups, to help our weaknesses. Me and Cait are not together as she needs help with her defending I need to work on my 1 to 1.

10minutes pass and I hear a scream. I recognise it straight away, its Caitlin. I turn and she is on the floor holding the top of the leg. I run over to her bending down and getting close to her head. "Hey darlin' what is it?" people start crowing and Caitlin gets nervous. I shoo them away "Its just me and the physio's explain to me what happened." "I was um-m working on my stance. I-I went to squat/split and I mis-sed my foot slipped and felt a really tight pull. Then t-ea-r." I reach down and hug her.

I have never had a hamstring issue, I guess I'm lucky on that sense. She is still layed on the green, the rest of the team have went back to the club, I guess to giver her some privacy. The phsio's are now lifting and trying to stretch her leg, just trying to see if its not as serious as we all think. "Hey, Cait I think you have tore your hamstring again and may have broken your ankle." The physios inform her. Caitlin dosen't respond so I do for her. "Ok. What do we do now." "Well we will get her to thee physio room to do a deeper look through, while also getting you a scan. Do you think you can walk, or we could bring a stretcher?" Caitlin just shrugs her shoulder. "I think so." We help her up slowly, I make sure I have a hand on her at all times. "Cait, if u don't think you can do this we can get a stretcher no need to hide your pain." She hides her head in my neck, silent tears falling. "I will just carry you if you don't want to make any fuss." She nods. I pick her up and slowly walk to the physio room and then sit her on one of the beds. "There is no need to cry babe." I grab her hand, while the physio elevates her ankle and checks over her hamstring.

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