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"WHAT THE HELL VERSTAPPEN!" Olivia hisses at her friend, who, by the way, is a clueless idiot

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"WHAT THE HELL VERSTAPPEN!" Olivia hisses at her friend, who, by the way, is a clueless idiot. "What?" He questions in confusion. "What do you mean 'what'?!" She wacks him on his arm. "You know exactly what I mean Verstappen. You completely blew her off!"

Max just blinks at the girls words before a lighy bulb flicks in his head. "Wait, shit!" Olivia just smacks the palm of her hand onto her forhead. "I didn't even relise she was flirting with me!"

Max total knew she was flirting but his acting was good enough to convince Olivia otherwise.

"I don't know how you landed up with girlfriends in the past because my friend, you have zero flirting skills."

I would gladly show you my flirting skills Liv.

No! Max don't get distracted.

"You're just a ray of sunshine, aren't you?" Olivia shrugs, taking a sip of the wiskey in her glass. "Just saying, I can only get you so far. It's a two way street, princess." Max rolls his eyes, "First of all stop calling me princess, secondly," He pauses for dramatic effect, "I have excellent flirting skills!"

Olivia lets out a scoff, "Excellent my ass, I literally just saw you bottle your chances." Max groans in annoyance, "As if you can do any better!"

Olivia gives Max an offended look. "I'll have you know, I've made the Lewis Hamilton blush. I'm literally the best in the business."

"Now," Olivia pushes Max towards the direction the brunette had walked off to. "You go put Mr Smooth Operator to shame while I, go find his friend who is probably passed out on the bathroom floor." Olivia cringed at the smell of sweat and alcohol as she headed through the crowd of people.

Goodness I hate nightclubs.

Be it the lights, the smell of alcohol mixed with vomit or the creepy guys that would never take no for an answer and would constantly send drinks that she would never touch (Olivia swears that Max was 10 seconds away from punching one of the square in the face).

Once she finally made it past the dancing crowds, she was met with the sight of one of the guys that had been harassing her with drinks all night. "Hey Gorgeous, finally escaped that little boyfriend of yours?" Olivia simply ignored him, walking towards one of the sections she knew Lando had been at for most of the night. "Oh, come on. There's no need to be such a bitch!"

"Call her that again mate, and you won't have any teeth left!" Found Lando. "What the fuck did you just say to me!?" Nope, that's a PR disaster waiting to happen. Olivia grabs her friends arm and pulls him towards the crowd of people making their way towards the section Max and her were at last. "Yeah, that's what I thought!"

She was half tempted to turn around and give him a beat down of a life time but she didn't feel like having her name on the front page tommorow.

Once she reached their section, she noticed Max was still standing where she left him last. He lifted her glass up, "This place is filled with creeps, didn't wanna risk anything." She laughed at his words, "I could have just gotten a new one, you know?" Max shrugged, "Better safe than sorry."

"Your still designated driver?" Max nodded at her words before taking note at Lando's pissed off expression, "What's up with you?" He teases, "Nothing, just some dickhead was going on with Liv–" Max's expression darked slightly at his words, "What guy?"

Olivia shook her head, "I'll explain on the way back." She then grabs a hold of Max's arm too and makes her way towards the exit, dragging the two along as if they were children.


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ormula_gossipgirly2 apparently Lando, Max and Olivia (Daniel's sister) were at a club last night. OP couldn't get a good shot of all 3 together but she got one of Olivia. Apparently Lando spent most of the night on the other side of the club but OP said Max was glued to Liv the whole night. Thoughts?

View all 134 comments

user1 I'm not surprised Max was with Olivia. They're known to be good friends  outside of Max being Daniels former teammate.
↳user2 I miss seeing their pics on olivia's account 🥲
↳user3 her accounts private, no?
↳user1 it used to be public but after she started uni she made it private. No one really knows why but I heard people were showing up at her uni and even daniel had to make a statement about it.

user4 does she not have a job?
user5 don't you have a life?? 🤨


user7 i miss their interactions so much 😭

user8 did y'all see the clip of lando dancing on a table??
user9 I was crying my eyes out bro you have no idea 😭💀



I'm so sorry for not updating <3 it's been such a crazy past couple of days but I'm back and can't wait to write more Liv and Max 🥺

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