Chapter 9 - Erika

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The next day was Wednesday, and just like that, the week was spinning by very fast. Mom called the gynecologist office at eight, and they said that I could come at eight-thirty, so Mom and I went together. I was really scared because I wasn't sure what to expect. The only guy in my life I had ever been with (intimately, that is) was none other than Arthur. I trusted Arthur very much, and I knew he would've definitely let me know if he had something so he wouldn't transmit it to me. I hated stupid Eric Walker for making every girl in school think that she could've gotten infected by her own boyfriend. Or girlfriend, or whatever. I knew Arthur would never do that to me. We were always careful. But then again, you could never be too careful, apparently.

The gynecologist, Dr. Sharla Hartwell eventually called my name to the front desk, and Mom and I went up together. Hartwell was very friendly and patient. She looked like she was the same age as Mom, and I saw a ring on her finger to indicate that she's married. She asked me, "Is this your first time ever getting tested?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Will she have to fill out some paperwork?" Mom asked.

"Yes, if you're planning to get tested. So that you can see what kind of samples we expect to get from you. Once you finish filling these out, come up to me and slide it underneath the glass, and you are welcome to meet with me," replied Hartwell.

"Question: since this is her first time, she's a little nervous," Mom said. "Do you mind if I come along with her for the whole, you know... Procedure? Or whatever you want to call it?"

I understood Mom's concern for me, but I also thought it was a bit weird that she wanted to watch me submit the necessary samples. "Mom," I said, a little embarrassed.

Hartwell chuckled. "It's okay. There's always a first time for everything, especially in the case of teens who are sexually active and don't have the necessary guidance. I'll allow it just this once."

"Honey, I promise not to look," Mom said. She was referring to the time I would give out my urine sample. Because there's nothing awkward about having your own mom watch you pee.

"Thanks," I said to Dr. Hartwell before I went back to my seat to start filling out the paperwork. For the STD testing section, I saw a list of the samples they wanted me to submit. I hated this whole thing, overall, but if it was worth it for me to prove myself negative for any viruses, I'd get it done and over with. I would not allow a stupid jock to interfere with my personal intimate life.

After I finished the paperwork, I came up to the front to hand them over to Dr. Hartwell's secretary, who in turn handed them to her. Hartwell let me know it was time to meet with her, and Mom came along for emotional support. Since the urine sample was the first thing on the list, I had to go to the bathroom and pee in the cup... With my mom standing there, "not" watching me as she so promised.


Olivia woke up that morning to an email she'd been dreading, yet at the same time looking forward to. The DNA paternity test results for her unborn child. Eric Walker was the father, indeed. A tear ran down her face, knowing full well that her life was officially over from this moment on.

Karina woke up and saw her sister crying. "What is it now? You got the email?"

"Yes, and you'll never guess what. Eric Walker is the father."

"Goodness, Liv. I'm so sorry. How do you feel about that?"

"So many things, I can't even use just one word. I hate my life, that's all I know for sure. It's totally over now. Everyone else must know about this now, huh?"

"Yes, sis. Unfortunately, word travels fast at school. Some people are calling you a whore... Well, mostly the girls. Well, only a few girls, I mean."

"What do you mean? Who's calling me a whore?"

"Uh... Kari-Ann Maloney."

Olivia groaned in disdain. "Kari-Ann? The friend of that bitch Erika?"

"Yes, her. I hate to rile you up some more, Liv, but I told Erika about you. She..."

"You did what now?" Olivia was enraged. "Kare, why would you do that?"

"I'm sorry! I had no choice. I had to let her know that Eric was also screwing with Kari-Ann all summer. And he knocked you up. Somehow, Kari-Ann knows that you're pregnant, but lucky for you, she doesn't know that Eric was the one who banged you."

"So, she calls me a whore but doesn't know that her 'boyfriend' was the one who knocked me up?"

"Yeah, seems that way."

"This isn't fair," Olivia protested. "Why do these things have to happen to me?"

Karina held Olivia's hand. "It's going to be okay, Liv. Okay? I'm right here for you, no matter what anyone else says. Szasky just gave everyone the day off to get tested for any STDs."

"Really?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah. I should probably go get tested myself, though I'm not actually seeing anyone like that or having sex. It's so annoying to have to do this stuff, all for nothing. All just because of one guy who acts like he can dig through girls like you're digging through dirt on the ground or something."

"It's okay, Kare. Like you just said, we're in this together."

"I'm just really worried about what Mom and Dad will say. I'd hate to see the looks on their faces when they realize that you're pregnant."

"I know, I'll be such a disappointment to them, huh?"

"Don't say that, Liv. You're not a disappointment. This isn't your fault. It's the fault of a guy who doesn't even know the meaning of self-control, or how to keep it in his pants."

"Mom and Dad are gonna be away this weekend, right?" Olivia asked after thinking about an idea for a while.

"Yeah, they're going to that annual weekend convention in New Jersey. Won't be back until Monday morning." Karina considered this idea of visiting their aunt and uncle in downtown Connecticut to help Olivia undergo an abortion. "Why? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Both girls grinned at each other, trying to come up with a way to solve their problems.

Then Karina made a phone call to her maternal aunt, Marla Schofield, who lived in Hartford. Her husband, Noah, was a prominent surgeon in the area with his own office and a thriving business. In the past, he had worked in various abortion clinics across the country, so he knew firsthand of the experiences women had when making that kind of decision about their bodies. He would be a valuable resource for Olivia, his own niece.

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