Prologue: A Gift (LIYAS POV)

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"It's my day off! I can finally get that album I've wanted!" I thought to myself as I finished getting ready for my day. I greeted my childhood best friend, Kyujin, who I shared a dorm with during my time as a trainee.

"Liya! Where are you going?"

"Hey Kyujin, I'm going to see if that Taemin album is in stock. I've been waiting for so long to get it and they just restocked ALL of their SHINee albums."

Kyujin gave me a slightly concerned look.

"Okay, Liya." She emitted a slight giggle, "Make sure to update me if you find it!"

"I will. I'll see you later!" 

I finished putting on my shoes, perfectly timing the end of our conversation. She waved at me as I opened the door. I closed it behind me and began my way to our local music store.

I get off the bus and began walking. As I take in the fresh air, I silently thank the heavens for giving me this time off. I reach my destination and peek inside. There were only a few people, but my eyes were drawn to  the SHINee albums. 

I rushed inside, gaining my composure once I realized I was a bit too excited... I look up at the front desk, expecting to see the regular worker, only to find nobody. 

I began to act nonchalantly, slowly making my way to the Taemin section of the SHINee albums. I see one final copy left of the album that I had been searching for. My eyes light up as my pace silently speeds up. 

I was nearly seconds away from grabbing it when it was snatched in front of my eyes. I look up at the person who took the album, subconsciously having an annoyed expression on my face. It was a boy who looked to be around my age. 

He began examining it before feeling my gaze on him. He glanced over at me as I stood there in disbelief. I quickly look away, pretending to look for something.

"He didn't know I wanted that album.. Dont get mad at some stranger, Liya." I told myself through whispers.

"What was that...? Were you wanting this?" He said in a concerned tone. I realized that I must've had a weird expression at the moment, and he was still at a distance where he could hear me. I brighten up my expression and give him a fake smile.

"Oh no! You're okay! I was just um... Making my way past you." 

He was tall... It felt as if I was making my way through a narrow alleyway as I brushed past him.

"Oh, excuse me." He gives me a slight smile. My face drops and a sigh exits my mouth as soon as my back was turned to him. I look for just a bit longer, before heading towards the exit in defeat.

"Hey Liya!" I recognize the voice, quickly looking over. I see one of my other childhood best friends, Jongseob.

"Seob?! I didn't know you worked here!" I rush up to the counter while smiling at him.

"Yup! I just started! Do you come here often?" He asked, leaning on the counter in between us.

"I do! Whenever I have a day off, I look for Taemin albums."

"I forget how obsessed you are with him. Did you find what you were looking for?"

I turn around, looking to see where the boy that stole the album from me was located.

"That guy took it at the last minute, so I have to wait until next week.." I whisper as I leaned towards him.

"Ah that sucks... That was our last one in stock too..." He informs while crossing his arms.

"There's none in the back??" Jongseob shakes his head. I huff out a quick stream of air. I feel a presence behind me, aligning with Jongseob's eyes. I turn around to see the boy once again, checking out 2 albums.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologize and move aside.

"Okay, I should probably get back to my dorm. Text me when you can?"

"Of course. Bye!" He waves to me with a genuine smile. I do the same back to him.

"Bye bye!"

I leave the store, feeling slightly irritated with the situation.

"At least you got to see Seob.." I try to make light out of the situation. It really wasn't a big deal to anybody else. To me, it felt like my child was stolen from me. I check the bus schedule and discover that it wont be there for another 30 minutes. It felt like every little thing was annoying me. I begin looking for somewhere to stop while I wait for my bus.

While I'm looking around at the familiar shops and cafe's, I hear a rapid pair of footsteps approaching me. I glance over my shoulder. To my surprise, I see the boy from the music store. Just seeing him made me sigh in frustration as I didn't want to be reminded.

"Hey! Liya? Right?" I flinch at my name being said. I stop in my tracks.

"Yes...? How did you know my name?" I felt slightly... scared?

"I asked your friend, Jongseob." He was catching his breath. I silently curse at Jongseob for giving my name out to a random guy. Does he have no survival skills? Does he want me to get murdered??

"I know Jongseob really well actually. Um, I wanted to give this to you." He hands over the Taemin album that he took from me. My eyes widen. I felt slightly suspicious... This was too good to be true.

"Why?" I ask. He pauses, breaking eye contact. 

"Well, I saw that it made you upset, even though you tried to deny it. I asked Jongseob if you wanted the album, so now I'm here, giving it to you." I still felt weird about it.

I reluctantly take the album out of his hands, with thousands of questions going through my mind. I quickly snapped out of it and began checking to see if the album was still sealed.

"It's still sealed, it has everything in it, no you don't need to pay me back." It felt like he was reading my mind.

"I dont need to pay you back? But-" He interrupts me, "I have to go now, my name's Hunter. I'll see you around, maybe."

He nearly runs off as I'm in disbelief. I look at the album in my hands that I didn't have to pay a penny for. I find myself smiling.

"Hunter...? No normal person just gives someone an album without expecting money back.. Is this a foreign thing?" I ask myself while inspecting the album one last time. I find a local coffee shop and I decide to grab something until my bus arrives. 

Hunter hadn't left my mind as I sipped my coffee and looked through my brand new album.

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