Chapter 2

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/Author notes/
W is sitting in his room watching footage of Batman taking down Joker.

W: He's perfect. But,

He sees Joker getting beaten down.

W: Why doesn't he use Lethal force for some of these villains?
The team awaits the arrival of Red Tornado.

Wally: Red Tornado!

RT: Greetings. Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?

Kal: We were hoping you'd have a mission for us.

RT: Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility. You'll be tested soon enough. For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company.

Kal: This team is not a social club.

RT: No, but I am told social interaction is an important team building exercise. Perhaps you could keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave.

He walks into the cave.

Wally: "Keep busy." Does he think we're falling for this?

MM: Oh, I'll find out.

She tries.

MM: I-Im sorry I forgot he's a machine, inorganic. I can not read his mind.

Wally: Nice try, though. So, uh, you know what I'm thinking right now?

Dick: We all know what you're thinking now.

Kal: And now we tour the clubhouse.

MM: Well, Superboy, W, and I live here. We can play tour guides.

Superboy: Don't look at me.

Wally: We won't. A private tour sounds much more fun.

W: I'd be happy to Wally.

Dick: She never said private.

Kal: Team building. We'll all go.

The tour begins with the front door.
The team gets fun facts along the way.

Superboy: Then why trade it in for the Hall of Justice?

Kal: The cave's location had been... compromised.

W: So they traded it in for a tourist trap? Yeah. That makes sense.

MM: If villains know about the cave, then we must be on constant alert.

Dick: The bad guys know we know they know about the cave, so they'd never look here.

Wally: He means we're hiding in plain sight.

MM: Ah, that's much clearer.

W: Besides, if they do break in, I'll just snap their necks.

The team looks at W.

W: Kidding... Kidding.

Superboy sniffs the air.

Superboy: I smell smoke.

Miss Martian gasps.

MM: My cookies!

She flies over to the oven and pulls out a tray of what once was cookies. W and Wally start eating.

MM: I was trying out Grammy Jones recipe from episode 17 of...Huh, never mind!

Dick: I bet they've tasted great. They don't seem to mind.

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