25. Chain Reaction

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Fredrico knew he was in the wrong and the person he called was Francisco, 'Remember what I said to you in the hospital room?'

'I didn't think she would move on this quick...'–'You were planning a future with her sister the last I checked.' Fredrico let out a deep grunt. 'I wasn't going to do that until she and I were friends, I was never going to disrespect our relationship the way she is right now'

Francisco laughs at his little brother, 'How is Chris?' Francisco's attempt to change the topic before he upset his brother. 'He threatened to knock me out last night.' Francisco laughs louder than before...

Fredrico threw the phone on the bed, 'Hermano you not helping me at all.' Francisco tries to control his laugh but he is failing, 'Chris is not only protecting you, he is four years older than you, translation he is your senior. He wouldn't go after Akila, she is too young for him.'

'Oh please she is young but intelligent that throws people off and you know it.'
Francisco sighs in defeat knowing his brother is right both sisters may be young but their intelligence and looks make them seem older.

'Hermano stay put and respect Chris, that's your older brother too.'–'Yeah yeah, respect your elders. He told me to go to this church service they have at the third floor of his building.' Fredrico got his black jeans and a white T-shirt out and ready before bathing.

'Then go apologize to God for what you did and ask him for direction because your flesh seems to be the problem.' Francisco knew what held his brother back in his journey of Faith it was the same thing he delt with, unforgiveness. They both held on to hatred towards their father for what he did and they blamed him for their mothers death.

Their mom was their light, everything they went through she was always strong, "My strength comes from the Lord."that is what she said everytime they asked her how she got through the hardships.

Miss Isabelle Cortez divorced Sergio when Fredrico turned eight years old, that led to her relocating with both her sons. Now Chris's Dad (Christian Bailey) was never a fan of Sergio so when Miss Cortez came back to South Africa, he didn't mind taking them in until she felt she could stand on her own two feet.

Christopher, Francisco and Fredrico grew up together for the better part of five years. Christian was a business man, he owned a tourism company that deals with accomodations, restaurants, attraction sites and many more all within the tourism industry. He is the black Steve Jobs of Tourism and all of it inherited from his adoptive parents.

And yes you guessed it, they were white.

Isabelle and Chris's mom (Thandeka) were the best of friends. They were both soldiers for the Lord and made it their mission to raise their sons to men who gave their hearts and lived for the Lord just like Samuel. This however wasn't going to be easy because their only physical male role models betrayed them and treated them poorly but they never stopped praying over their boys.

That was until Isabelle moved to Joburg, she meet the Mohapi's all nine of them, David, Lebo and their kids and his baby brother Thato and his family. They lived in the apartment complex well at least David's family did, Thato and his family just came by to visit from time to time.

Both brothers helped nature Francisco and Fredrico as much as they could, they would even joke around about their girls marrying her boys. If only they knew.

Isabelle and the boys would still go back to Mpumalanga to visit Thandeka and Christopher, Christian was almost always in the office whenever they visited.

Isabelle and Thandeka were not dumb they knew what the fathers of their kids did. Even with his inheritance, Chris got greedy and being told that he was handed everything he had and that he has nothing to call his own by his peers got to him.

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