03. Harlow

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I reached up touching the curve of my lips as I walked into the front doors of the hunter's headquarters, my home. My clothes were bloodies and tattered from the fight I had earlier in the day, I was sticking out like a sore thumb because of it. I walked down the hall, every eye I passed training on me as I headed toward my final destination...my parents office.

I pushed the door open, ready to face the wrath of my parents who stood by their desk talking with one another in low hushed whispers. It was upon my closing the door that they looked up, eyes locking with mine.

"What on earth happened to you?" My mother fussed as my father remained silent, sharing a knowing look. I knew that look, it was meant to ask: Who hurt you? What happened and why didn't you win?

"Nothing." I chose to answer my mother first and then my father. "I just ran into some demons, nothing major. They took me by surprise. I know dumb move on my part, but I got the upper hand and slaughtered them."

"All of them?" My mother asked as my father spoke. "Did you find the prince?"

I hesitated before answering, making my decision quickly. "No, I couldn't find him anywhere. My leads were good, or so I thought, which is how I got jumped by the demons. I did question them though but they didn't give me much more than we already know about the prince and his family." I moved to sit down in the old wooden chair before my father's desk. "Maybe the rumors are true and he is already dead."

Why was I defending him? He was my enemy, I should be lying to my parents about finding him and confronting him, but then again I shouldn't have let him kiss me either. The whole night was confusing, and I would just love to head to my room and forget the whole thing ever happened.

"We can't afford to think like that, Harlow." My father sighed heavily, dropping into his leather chair, arms reaching out to grab my mother by the waist and pull her into his lap. "I wish we could, but we just can't. It's too risky. What if he's alive? What if he took you away from us all?" He paused looking at my mother, having a silent conversation with her. He has no idea how close that last statement could have been tonight. "We can't afford to play stupid and believe that he is dead."

"I know, father." My voice was small, as I looked away from him. My thoughts were running a mile a minute, I was lying to my parents about seeing Riorson and for what reason? They had good points, he could easily kill me if he wanted to yet here I was protecting him. "I need to go train, can I be dismissed?"

My father nodded. "Go change first, you don't want any of the recruits thinking their princess is weak and vulnerable to demons."

"Yes, sir." I walked to the door, slipping out and walking toward my room. We didn't have a home of our own, my parents thought that all we needed was headquarters. With that in mind, my family had one half of the building as our own personal space while the other larger half served as our training ground and schooling for those we welcomed within our ranks.

At my bedroom door, I ducked in, praying that no one was walking where they should be and see me like I am. Hell, I was stupid walking through the front doors of the headquarters looking like a beat up mess, but I couldn't change that now. I just prayed that not a lot of people saw their princess in such disarray.

With a heavy sigh, I pushed toward my wardrobe. I pulled out the bottom drawer and grabbed my training uniform before I began to strip, my eye catching the little photo I hadn't convinced myself to rip apart or burn. I couldn't remember much of the time frame the picture was taken, but maybe that was a good thing; so why couldn't I just get rid of it like a normal human being?

I grunted as I slipped on the last of my clothes, leaving my room and the picture behind. I was suddenly angry, unaware of the true cause. Was it because of my interaction with Riorson and Ghost this afternoon? Was it because I could remember the emotions but not the memory behind them regarding the picture I refused to get rid of?

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